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Research@BUS in a Nutshell. 
10. of Mai 2021
Georg Reischauer - COVRES: Health care organizations’ resilience in the COVID-19 crisis

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COVID-19 challenged health care sectors across the globe, fueling the interest in how health care organizations can cope with the uncertainty COVID-19 causes. An important lever is to increase organizational resilience, the organizational ability to anticipate trends and threats; to cope with unexpected events effectively; and to learn from those events and change. The COVRES project investigates the relationship between the resilience of leaders and organizations. Interviews with members of medical and nursing staff, administrators, and further key actors involved in the crisis management are combined with archival data. Thereby COVRES aims to generate insights that help to address one of “the grand challenges that confront our species” (Tourish, 2019: 21), especially since this crisis might not be the last global pandemic.

Georg Reischauer COVRES