Sustainability at the JKU.

Bees, digital waste disposal containers, an orchard, energy-efficient buildings, and much more! Learn more about how the Johannes Kepler University Linz practices sustainability.

Creating a more liveable campus to support smarter recycling for our employees, students, local residents, and future generations.

The Johannes Kepler University is fully committed to putting sustainability into practice, taking its responsibility seriously by initiating and supporting projects that focus on a sustainable and livable community. These projects are growing and thriving at the JKU!




Vice-Rectorate for Campus Enhancements, Digitalization, and Sustainability

Office of Sustainability

Mag. Maria Buchmayr
0732 2468 3328

DI Lukas Lehner

Sustainability Priorities at the JKU

Starting with academia, science, and administration across to the campus environment and partnerships. The Johannes Kepler University is actively fulfilling its sustainability mission across the following sectors:


Die Säulen der Nachhaltigkeitsarbeit an der JKU

Welcome to the 2030 Mission!

Take part. Make it happen.

The JKU has embarked on reaching an ambitious goal of becoming a climate-neutral university by 2030! What is our vision and how do we intend to reach our goals? Click below to learn more about what you can do every day, both in the workplace and at home! Feel free to pass the information on to your co-workers, friends, family, and your kids!



[Translate to Englisch:] Mission 2023 Klimaneutrale Universität JKU LINZ

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Goals -
Plastics Global Change & Challenges

Learn More, opens an external URL in a new window


[Translate to Englisch:] The Global Goals ©

Current News About Sustainability at the JKU

Learn more about seasonal outdoor markets at the Kepler Hall, various fairs, events, and news related to sustainability at the JKU.


Local and Organic Produce at the Kepler Hall

The JKU organizes seasonal farmers' markets at the Kepler Hall at Easter and at Christmas, featuring local and organic produce grown mainly by local farmers as well as handmade decorative items and gifts.

The clothes swap organized by the Austrian Students' Union Climate Office has also become an established fixture at the markets.
See:, opens a file to learn more!

Upcoming date:
The Easter Market on April 10, 2025, between 11.00 AM and 3:00 PM, at the Kepler Hall

Click here to see all of the events supporting sustainability. 

JKU Bauernmarkt von der Kepler Hall ©

Self-Guided Campus Tour featuring Sustainability Stations

An herb garden, mint field, edible hedges, 100-year-old oak trees, and more! Grab your smartphone and walk around campus to discover sustainability at the JKU. Have fun discovering & nibbling!

[Translate to Englisch:] Minzhecke am JKU Campus
„The JKU has both challenges and opportunities to support sustainable development due to its campus structure and suburban location. Creating a cafeteria that uses organic ingredients was just the start - many other exciting programs are in the works and ready to launch.“
Mag. Maria Buchmayr, Office of Sustainability at the JKU
Die Leiterin der Stabsstelle für Nachhaltigkeit Maria Buchmayr. Credit: Grüne

Sustainability Projects at the JKU

Learn more here about diverse sustainability projects at the JKU.


PV Installations Across the Campus Rooftops

Photovoltaic installations mounted across campus rooftops are a key milestone towards "Mission 2030" and becoming a climate-neutral university. JKU researchers are also conducting intensive research into advancing photovoltaic systems. Together with the JKU Energy Institute, they have created a roadmap designed to support the transition to renewable energy, a climate-neutral JKU, and accomplishing "Mission 2030". JKU and BIG (the building owners) are working together on a large-scale transition to solar power.

PV Installation Keplergebäude Bldg. JKU Linz

In partnership with BIG, by 2026, photovoltaic systems will be installed on selected JKU rooftops.






   5,5 kWp

   In operation since 2015


   LIT OIC (south side)

   120 kWp

   In operation since 2019

   Linz AG

   Science Park V

   108 kWp

  In operation since 2023


   Science Park IV

   26 kWp

  Under construction, scheduled completion
   3rd quarter 2024


   Science Park I

   37 kWp

   Under construction, scheduled completion
   3rd quarter 2024



   450 kWp

  Under construction, scheduled completion
  3rd quarter 2024


   LIT OIC (north side)

   80 kWp

   Under construction, scheduled completion
   3rd quarter 2024


   House of Schools I

   67 kWp

   Scheduled operation
   4th quarter 2024


   RISC Institute

   30 kWp

   Scheduled operation
   4th quarter 2024

   JKU BuV

   Gruberstraße 40

   98 kWp

    Scheduled operation in 2025

   Linz AG

   Juridicum Bldg.

   190 kWp

   Scheduled operation in 2025


   Kepler Hall

   245 kWp

   Scheduled operation in 2025


  The Learning Center

   150 kWp

   Scheduled operation in 2025



Additional buildings are currently being assessed.

Green Mobility at the JKU

Better air quality, more peace and quiet, enjoying green spaces, and improving your health... There are many reasons to "switch over" right now and use your bike, a JKU City Bike, a tim electric rental car, or the tram (which stops practically at the JKU’s doorstep)! Whether you just need to get from one end of campus to the other, commute to the JKU every day, plan a trip into the city or a business trip, grab one of our sustainable means of transportation available at the JKU campus.

JKU Bike

A Circular University - ARA Plus Project

Digitized trash cans and a solar-powered trash compactor - these are just two examples of sustainable waste systems that will be making their way onto the JKU campus.

Do I have to wash plastic containers out? Why don't tissues go in the paper trash? This project aims to raise awareness among our approximately 23,000 campus users about the right way to recycle.

[Translate to Englisch:] Big Belly ARA Plus Mülleimer


The green JKU campus has plenty of space for a diverse range of flora, fauna, and wildlife!


Honey Made at the JKU

Feel like getting something sweet from the campus? The JKU has been selling its own, on-campus produced honey at the Merchandise Shop since August 2021! With the support of Raiffeisen Bank of Upper Austria, numerous bees moved into hives located right here on campus. Former JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas himself helped to harvest the very first batch of honey!

[Translate to Englisch:] Bienen auf Honigwaben

Dry Meadows, Wetland Biotopes - Biodiversity and Species Diversity at the JKU

There is a paradise for insects and small animals between the Science Park buildings at the JKU. Biodiversity and species diversity - a vital mission for the JKU as a "stepping stone" between an open natural landscape and a denser cityscape.

[Translate to Englisch:] Feuchtwiese JKU Sciencepark

Bats at the JKU

Mosquito-eating bats, hoary bats & co! This summer, researchers spotted and counted a total of five different bat species at the JKU university pond. They either live on campus at the JKU, or at the very least were passing by. Click here to learn more about bat monitoring. (PDF), opens a file

Gentle Giants - Tree Diversity at the JKU

A giant sequoia, 100-year-old oaks, sky-high plane trees. The variety of trees on the JKU campus is amazing, inviting you to take a walk and explore it for yourself on campus or online: The City of Linz's tree registry lists them all of them by name, age, height, trunk circumference and canopy diameter. Just enter "Altenberger Straße 69", click on a tree, and on "i" for information.

[Translate to Englisch:] Rotbuche am JKU Campus

Network Partners

When it comes to supporting a sustainable, climate-neutral university, a network of strong partners is the key. The JKU is proud to be part of a large network of companies, associations, and organizations that not only support Mission 2030, but also work toward sustainability.


JKU Austrian Student Union Office for Climate Protection & Sustainability

The JKU is voluntarily committed to supporting the Climate Alliance and reducing its carbon footprint by actively advocating environmental and sustainability measures to support energy efficient campus buildings and facilities. In supporting the Climate Alliance, the JKU serves as an academic role model, taking on a pioneering role and demonstrating that these goals can be accomplished in-house.

The Climate Alliance is Europe's largest urban environmental protection consortium. To date, over 960 communities, 520 educational institutions, 35 parishes, and over 1,000 businesses in Austria have committed to the alliance.

Die JKU ist dem Klimabündnis OÖ beigetreten. Die JKU ist dem Klimabündnis OÖ beigetreten.

JKU Austrian Student Union Office for Climate Protection & Sustainability

Using their social media channels, representatives at the JKU Austrian Student Union continuously provide information about climate protection and sustainability issues. The JKU Austrian Student Union also hosts a "Climate Roundtable" each month. They also organize a number of presentations, lectures, and events.

Fair Fashion vs. Fast Fashion - The JKU Austrian Student Union Clothes Swap

The Austrian Student Union clothes swap also takes place on WeFair Day and at all of the markets held at the JKU Kepler Hall. Click here, opens a file to learn more.

ÖH JKU Referat für Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Logo

Alliance of Sustainable Universities

The Alliance of Sustainable Universities is joining forces to pool resources and raise awareness in regard to sustainability. These concepts are also reflected in the JKU's educational programs and research as well as in its social commitment and the way operations are managed at the Johannes Kepler University. 

Our YouTube channel features statements about just how the JKU is supporting this initiative:

Mag. Maria Buchmayr,, opens an external URL in a new window Sustainability Officer at the JKU (YouTube video)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ernst Langthaler, , opens an external URL in a new windowJKU Institute for Social & Economic History (YouTube video)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Erika Wagner,, opens an external URL in a new window JKU Institute for Environmental Law (YouTube video)

Assoz.Univ. Prof. Dr. Veronika Wittmann, opens an external URL in a new window, JKU Institute for Cultural Economics & Research (YouTube video)

Allianz Nachhaltige Universitäten Logo

Scientists for Future

Scientists4Future is a movement organized by academics and scientists, most of them being active academics/scientists themselves from various backgrounds and disciplines. The common goal is to support the demands as outlined in the "for Future" groups and provide scientific facts and information.

Approximately 140 scientists in Upper Austria are currently actively involved; 83 of those supporters are at the JKU.


EC²U - European Campus of City-Universities

The Johannes Kepler University Linz has joined forces with the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), the University of Jena (Germany), the University of Pavia (Italy), the University of Poitiers in France (the EC2U alliance coordinator), the University of Salamanca (Spain), the University of Turku (Finland) to work, teach, and conduct research across borders. The community shares common values that include supporting diversity, democracy, and progress towards serving people and emphasizing sustainability.

[Translate to Englisch:] EC2U