The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Digitally Assisted RF Transceivers for Future Mobile Communications focuses on base-knowledge and applied research on digital signal processing (DSP) methods to support radio frequency (RF) transceivers. Current Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, DSP methods are perfectly suited to compensate analog imperfections appearing in RF circuits, introduce advanced signal processing methods not possible with analog circuits, and benefit from technology scaling in terms of computing performance, power consumption and chip area.
RF transceivers in current commercial products already make use of DSP. The continuously increasing requirements for mobile devices, e.g. from the current 4th generation (4G) mobile communications standard “Long Term Evolution” (LTE) and the future 5G standard, will strongly increase this need in future developments. A common result of these requirements is both a significant rise in complexity of the transceiver architectures and an exponentially increasing number of possibilities for self-interference. We will tackle these issues by making use of DSP and focus our research in three areas:
CD - Laboratory
for Digitally Assisted RF Transceivers for Future Mobile Communications
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Science Park 3, 5th floor, Rm. 0525-1 (Office ISP)
Office Hours
MON,WED,THURS: 8.00 AM - 4.00 PM
TUES: 8.00 AM - 2.00 PM
+43 732 2468 5680