How Do I Delete/Cancel Fee-Based Courses in My Cart?

You can delete (not yet paid for) courses from your shopping cart:
In KUSSS, proceed to the menu item "Meine Anmeldungen". Your cart can be found under "Zubezahlende  Lehrveranstaltungen im Warenkorb für das Semester 2016W".
Delete courses by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Cancel Paid Courses

Immediately after completing the payment procedure, log back into KUSS and you will find the course in the KUSSS under "Zugeteilte kostenpflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen für das Semester 2016W". Click on the button "Cancel" and the course will be marked as canceled.

You have only until the end of admissions and registration period to cancel courses.

In order to successfully cancel courses, you must carry out the cancellation process in the online MUSSS Shop at:

a. Click on the "MuSSS Online Shop" button to view the fee-based courses you are enrolled in. You can find your courses in KUSSS under the menu item "Meine Anmeldungen".

 b. Access the MuSSS Online Shop directly by using your JKU access information (k+student ID number and your e-Directory password).