Pay the Austrian Student Union Fees and Tuition.

How much are my studies? Once you have paid your Austrian Student Union fee and, if applicable, any tuition fees for that semester, you will be an official student at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.


Austrian Student Union Fee

The Austrian Student Union fee is € 24.70 (last update: winter term 2024/25) and must be paid every semester.

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Admissions Office

Tuition Fees

Principally, all students studying at a university in Austria are subject to a general tuition fee requirement.

  Tuition Fees / Semester
Degree-Seeking Students
(after the allocated duration to complete studies + the tolerance semesters)
€ 363.36
Third Country Nationals € 726.72
Non-Degree-Seeking Students € 363.36

Please note:

  • Within the outlined duration of study plus two tolerance semesters (for Diploma degree programs per study section) European Union and/or EWR citizens are not subject to paying tuition. Additional information about exemptions and waiving fees is available below.

Additional Information regarding Tuition Fees

If you completed public service or delayed military service, or completed supplementary alternative civil service during Summer Semester 2020, you can apply for a refund for Summer Semester 2020 or apply to waive tuition for Winter Semester 2020/2021 in accordance with § 3 COVID-19 Study Law Regulations.

Under § 91 Sec. 1 of the Universities Act, degree-seeking students hindered from studying for longer than two months during Summer Semester 2020 as they completed public service or delayed military service, or completed supplementary alternative civil service during Summer Semester 2020, are entitled to submit an application to waive tuition fees in the following cases:


1. for Summer Semester 2020, if subject to paying tuition fees in this semester




2. for a semester following Summer Semester 2020 if, hypothetically during Summer Semester 2020 as a semester determined to be in the tuition-free period in accordance with § 3 of the laws governing tuition fees and is not counted as part of the past number of completed semesters, is not a degree-seeking program in which the student was actively admitted to, and if not subject to mandatory tuition fees.


To the application form, opens an external URL in a new window

There is a distinction between temporary and general requirements to waive tuition fees:


Exempt for a Limited Time Period

If you are a degree-seeking student at the JKU, you are not subject to paying tuition fees as long as you complete your degree program within the designated time period to complete a degree, plus two tolerance semesters (for Diploma degree programs per study section) and one of the following points applies:

  1. Austrian citizens,
  2. EU citizens,
  3. EEA citizens (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein),
  4. Nationals of the Swiss Confederation,
  5. Citizens of the United Kingdom who have obtained and used a residence permit in Austria before the end of the transitional period (December 31, 2020) and are still currently exercising their right to reside in Austria.
  6. Convention refugees (also from another EU country),
  7. Subsidary beneficiaries of protection,
  8. Third-country nationals who have been granted one of the following residence permits: "Daueraufenthalt - EG" or "Daueraufenthalt - EU" issued by the responsible Austrian authority, "Daueraufenthalt - EG" or "Daueraufenthalt - EU" issued by the responsible authority of a another member country and an additional residence permit for Austria issued by the responsible Austrian authority,
  9. Turkish nationals on the basis of the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement, providing he/she duly lives with parents who are Turkish nationals and the parents are or were legally employed in Austria
  10. Student to whom the group regulation, opens an external URL in a new window applies
  11. Students who have another Austrian residence permit than "Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierende"


Please note:

  • Submit proof for a residence permit (pts. 5 - 10) within the admissions period, opens in new window either in person or by sending an e-mail to the Admissions Office.
  • Even if you are exempt from paying tuition fees, you must still pay the Austrian Student Union fee each semester.
  • If you exceed the designated time period to complete your degree program, plus the two additional tolerance semesters, you will be subject to paying tuition fees and the student union fee each semester.


General Exemption

Degree-seeking students who are citizens of a country listed in the annex to § 4 Sec. 2 subpara. 1 of the regulations regarding tuition fees, opens an external URL in a new window are generally exempt from paying tuition fees. You will be subject, however, to paying the Austrian Student Union fee each semester for the duration of your studies.

You can apply to waive tuition for certain reasons. You must submit an application to waive tuition fees waiver to the Admissions Office by September 30 for the Winter Semester and by February 28 for the Summer Semester.

The form, plus all required documentation*, must be submitted to MyAdmission., opens an external URL in a new window To log in, please use your JKU Account information.

To the application form, opens an external URL in a new window

Required documents for illness/pregnancy:

A basic distinction is made between legal grounds to waive fees and reasons to waive fees as outlined by the JKU Rectorate:


Legal Basis to Waive Fees

General requirements:

  • for degree-seeking students
  • exceeding the standard duration of studies and tolerance semesters
  • equal status according to § 91 Universities Act 2002 (see also "Exemption from tuition fees")



Child-Care Responsibilities / Other care responsibilities
  • The student is the child's primary caregiver up to the child's 7th birthday and/or until the child begins school
  • You must notify the Admissions Office immediately if there are any changes in living circumstances.

For other care responsibilities:

  • Affidavit
  • Please note: additional proof may be requested, such as residence registrations, birth certificates, medical confirmations, etc.
Pregnancy Studies hindered from continuing studies for two months or longer due to pregnancy
Illness Studies will be hindered for more than two months during the semester due to illness
Receiving Student Financial Aid Receiving financial aid in accordance with 1992 Financial Aid Laws during the past or during the current semester
Disability Students who have 50% degree of physical disability
Mobility Program
  • Documentation of having successfully completed studies or an internship as part of a transnational EU, state, or university mobility program
  • Only possible for the semester in which the studies or internship takes place


Please note:

  • Beginning Winter Semester 2018/2019,you may no longer apply to waive tuition fees on the basis of gainful employment. The Constitutional Court revoked the waiver without substitution effective beginning June 30, 2018. There is a new scholarship regulation, opens an external URL in a new window at the JKU for a certain group of students previously entitled to a fee waiver.


Reasons to Waive Fees as Outlined by the Rectorate




"School Students at the University, opens an external URL in a new window" program

School students in the "SchülerInnen an die Unis" program attending classes at the JKU Linz (enrolled as non-degree seeking students) in which they receive academic credit. The program has been supervised by the OeAD (Österreichischer Austauschdienst) since January 2020.

Student Union Office/Function, opens an external URL in a new window

Students who worked as student representatives at the JKU Linz for at least one semester during the tuition-free period, for the duration of their term of office, but a maximum of four semesters.

Attending fee-based  courses for the Enrollment Eligibility Program, opens in new window

Please note: In this case, only subsequent waiver in the form of reimbursement is possible. The tuition fee must therefore be paid in advance, in full.

Attendance of fee-based language courses

Non-degree seeking students who are admitted to attend fee-based language courses and do not attend or take any other courses or examinations.

Please note: In this case, only subsequent waiver in the form of reimbursement is possible. The tuition fee must therefore be paid in advance, in full.

MORE Students, opens in new window

Non-degree seeking students, participants in the uniko initiative "MORE" program (Major No. 992/956).



You can apply for tuition fee reimbursement providing documentation supporting a reason for tuition fee reimbursement could not be submitted within the deadline and therefore the tuition fee has already been paid for the current semester. The application for tuition fee reimbursement for Winter Semester must be submitted to the Admissions Office by the following February 28, for the Summer Semester by the following September 30.

The form, plus all required documentation*, must be submitted to MyAdmission, opens an external URL in a new window. To log in, please use your JKU Account information.

To the application form, opens an external URL in a new window

Required documents for illness/pregnancy:

Legal Basis to Waive Fees

General requirements:

  • for degree-seeking students
  • exceeding the standard duration of studies and tolerance semesters
  • equal status according to § 91 Universities Act 2002 (see also "Exemption from tuition fees")



Childcare / Care Responsibilities
  • The student is the child's primary caregiver up to the child's 7th birthday and/or until the child begins school
  • You must notify the Admissions Office immediately if there are any changes in living circumstances.

For other care responsibilities:

  • Affidavit
  • Please note: additional proof may be requested, such as residence registrations, birth certificates, medical confirmations, etc.
Pregnancy Studies hindered from continuing studies for two months or longer due to pregnancy
Illness Studies will be hindered for more than two months during the semester due to illness
Receiving Financial Aid Receiving financial aid in accordance with 1992 Financial Aid Laws during the past or during the current semester
Disability Students who have 50% degree of physical disability
Mobility Program Documentation of having successfully completed studies or an internship as part of a transnational EU, state, or university mobility program



Reasons to Waive Fees as Outlined by the Rectorate




"School Students at the University, opens an external URL in a new window" program

School students in the "SchülerInnen an die Unis" program attending classes at the JKU Linz (enrolled as non-degree seeking students) in which they receive academic credit. The program has been supervised by the OeAD (Österreichischer Austauschdienst) since January 2020.

Student Union Office/Function, opens an external URL in a new window

Students who worked as student representatives at the JKU Linz for at least one semester during the tuition-free period, for the duration of their term of office, but a maximum of four semesters.

Attending Courses for the Enrollment Eligibility Program, opens in new window

Please note: In this case, only subsequent waiver in the form of reimbursement is possible. The tuition fee must therefore be paid in advance, in full.

Attendance of fee-based language courses

Non-degree seeking students who are admitted to attend fee-based language courses and do not attend or take any other courses or examinations.

Please note: In this case, only subsequent waiver in the form of reimbursement is possible. The tuition fee must therefore be paid in advance, in full.


Please note:

  • New rules beginning Winter Semester 2018/2019 state you may no longer submit an application to waive tuition fees due to being employment as the corresponding enactment was revoked by the Constitutional Court on June 30, 2018, with no replacement regulation. The JKU has new regulations regarding tuition fees for a certain group of students previously entitled to waive tuition fees.

In certain cases, you can request that the tuition fee be paid out to you. If, for example, you complete your studies by the end of the payment period (WS 31.10.; SS: 31.03.), you can apply to be paid out for the semester in question. There are different deadlines according to your educational background/type of degree program.

Contact the Admissions Office (studienbeitrag(at), opens in new window) to obtain the proper form.

Payment Options

The Austrian Student Union fee and, if applicable, tuition fees can be paid via bank transfer/online banking.

Please note:

  • When transferring funds, please enter your current customer information (a 12-digit number) in the field "Payment Reference" (="Zahlungsreferenz") availabe in KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window under the menu item "Tuition". The payment reference changes each semester!

Our Tip

You can find your payment status in regard to the Austrian Student Union fee/tuition in your KUSSS, opens an external URL in a new window account under the menu item "Tuition".

Payment Deadline

During the admission period (see registration deadline), you will be required to pay the regular tuition or Austrian Student Union fee.

Please note:

  • Failure to pay the Austrian Student Union fee and/or any tuition fees by the end of the admission period will result in being disenrolled from the university!
  • The amount of tuition you owe must be paid in full within the admission period! Partial payment is not permitted.