There are, of course, individual courses in which graduates from certain types of technically-focused schools will have initial advantages. However, this is true for all types of schools: While HTL graduates will most likely find classes in mechanical engineering and mechanical design easier, AHS graduates tend to find classes in programming for electrical engineering and communications easier and AHS graduates certainly have advantages in courses focusing on medicine and biology.
Surgeon-assisting surgical robots, an individual prosthesis straight out of a 3D printer. The Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering helps you become an expert at the crossroads of engineering and medicine!
Modern medicine is breaking barriers every day. The art of engineering consistently revolutionizes diagnostics, therapy, patient care, rehabilitation, and healthcare. The Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering gives you the perfect opportunity to dive into several worlds at the same time.
The program is based on a solid approach to education in mathematics, mechanics, electronics, computer sciences, chemistry and materials science as well as modeling and simulation. Base-knowledge education in medicine not only supplements the engineering and scientific areas, students become familiar with the specialized terminology, becoming qualified to specialize in various fields. You can also complete a final undergraduate thesis in medical technology, fulfill the admissions requirements for a variety of graduate degree programs, or pursue a number of exciting professions.
If you decide to pursue an advanced degree, the doors are open to challenge yourself and study surgical robotics, diagnostic imaging, prosthetics or developing artificial organs, and much more ... the choice is yours!
Page Content
Key Facts
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
6 Semesters
180 Credits
German (Level B2) and English
Linz, partially via distance learning
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Why this degree is particularly attractive
When it comes to Medical Engineering, the JKU has the corresponding expertise and educational background from both worlds under one roof. Researchers and faculty members from both the Linz Institute of Technology and the Faculty of Medicine work together. This is unique in Austria and provides:
- Knowledge-transfer through joint lectures taught by engineers, natural scientists and physicians
- A broad range of specialized courses ranging from device and software development, and materials science to nanotechnology and robotics at the JKU
- Close proximity to many on-campus competence centers and to JKU departments that collaborate with industry
Program Structure
The Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering consists of the following areas:
Please note:
- A number of courses can/must be completed in English.
Last update: April 2019, subject to change!
Studies Introduction and Orientation Phase (StEOP)
After enrolling in the Bachelor's degree program, you will be required to complete the StEOP requirements at the start of your studies. The StEOP requirements consists of certain courses that are outlined in the curriculum. Before completing the StEOP courses, you can only get limited academic credit when you take additional courses.
Areas of Specialization
You acquire sound, core base-knowledge in the follow areas:
- Mathematics
- Mechanics
- Electronics
- Computer Science
- Chemistry and Materials Sciences
- Modeling and Simulations
- Core Medical Education
In addition, hone your problem-solving skills and explore the following subject areas in-depth:
- Medical device technology
- Imaging diagnostics
- Organ replacement (tissue engineering and prosthetics)
- Medical materials and their production and processing
- Medical informatics
- Biomechanics
- Medical electronics, metrology, and microsystems technology
- Rehabilitation techniques incl. prosthetics and orthotics
- Medical robotics
What You Will Learn in the Program
Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering are in a position to:
- Develop technical solutions designed to address medical issues
- Grasp complex problems quickly and break them down to their scientific cores
- Use scientific methods to identify solutions and implement these solutions using technology
The program curriculum covers a wide variety of subject areas and is scientifically sound, giving you flexibility when choosing a future professions. You can pursue a career in various areas of technical industry related to medicine and life sciences. Your professional qualifications are diverse:
- Base-knowledge in Mechatronics, Material Sciences and Human Medicine, based on core, fundamental knowledge in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
- Application-Oriented: Solve real-world problems by applying an educated background and efficient use of methods
- Scientific and Academic Depth: Acquire a solid education in the above listed subject areas.
- Independence and Learning Aptitude: Learn how to independently grasp new information and difficult concepts quickly as well as process information effectively.
- Sustainability and Expertise: Everything you learn in the program has a long "half-life". You are sustainable and well prepared for advanced studies and/or a professional career.
- Team Skills, Strong Social Skill Set and Gender Competence: Learn how to be an effective part of a team and work together with others in related or unrelated fields.
- Skills to Make Critical, Effective Decisions: ou will develop the ability to make decisions you can stand by and justify based on scientific methods. You can criticize the consequences of your actions or those of others, as well as your own decisions or decisions made by others.
- Assess Technology: Using scientific methods, you can assess both the long and short-term effects of technology, processes, etc. how they impact people, society, and their environment.
JKU Podcast for Prospective Students
The JKU Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering is a combination of fundamentals in medicine with subjects in engineering and natural sciences. Listen in as Stephanie talks about why she chose to study at the JKU instead of at a university of applied sciences, and why Kristof already constructed an ECG, as well as what kind of role ducks play as part of this degree program. Please note the podcast is in German only, Have fun!
Would you like to learn more?
Click here for detailed information about "Lecture Hall Insights - The JKU Student Podcast".
Your Career Prospects
Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering have many career choice options, such as
- Development Engineer for
- Medical equipment
- Protheses/implants
- Imaging procedures for MRIs, X-ray imaging, etc.
- Diagnostic equipment such as ECG, EEG, etc.
- Treatment equipment such as for dialysis, extracorporeal circulation and artificial respiration and defibrillators
- Technical expert to certify medical devices
- Hospital Technician for, among other things, supervising and maintaining medical devices; their timely interaction in the operating room / ICU, etc.
- Scientist in the field of medical technology, prosthetics, or imaging
- Device or software developer for sports medicine and fitness technology
At the same time, the Bachelor's degree in Medical Engineering can open doors to areas in the:
- Automotive industry (ergonomics, etc.)
- Aerospace industry
- Robotics
- Industry 4.0 + Human: Everything requiring the interaction and communication between man and machines
Admission to Studies
In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's degree program, you must fulfill the following requirements.
- Hold general higher education entrance qualifications (such as an Austrian "Matura" diploma)
- If your first language is not German, you will be required to submit proof of B2 level of language proficiency in German.
Still Have Questions?
Then contact us!
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Frequently Asked Questions
No, when it comes to the terminology we will start at the beginning. Any prior knowledge is, of course, never a bad thing.
The program at the JKU provides students with an enormous amount of information and expertise in the field of medical engineering, making you much more flexible once you begin a professional career.
At JKU, you not only learn to understand and how to work with existing medical technology systems, we educate you to recognize various problems and develop these techniques to think about finding and implementing new solutions and to become an engineer who can also focus on people.
We offer base-knowledge, hands-on experience in three different areas: Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The JKU employs researchers and professors from two faculties. That is unique in Austria.
The field of medicine goes far beyond being a physician. The medical field includes robotic devices that assist during operations or individually adapted, 3D printed prostheses. While completing your Bachelor's degree in Medical Engineering, you will dive into the world of medical technology by conducting innovative research and developing it further. You work at the interface of man and machine such as ensuring the smooth flow of patient care at the intensive care unit. You will be researching new technologies such as thought-controlled protheses sensors and as a medical technician, you play an indispensable role in the field of medicine.
Courses in the Bachelor's degree program Medical Engineering also include medical degree students. If you qualify to study medicine at a later date, you can get credit for courses completed in the Medical Engineering program.
Click here for detailed information ranging from the online pre-registration procedure to paying tuition fees!
The JKU offers preparation courses (mathematics,computer science and physics) to help prepare you for academic studies. The courses provide a condensed review of material covered during secondary school and can help prepare you for university-level lectures. Attendance is optional.
There is also a mentoring program that starts at the beginning of the new semester. Professors and assistant professors meet with newly enrolled students in small groups and provide tips and advice about studying at the university.
Some of the courses in the Bachelor's degree program in Medical Engineering are offered via live-stream or by video conference. The course instructors hold class in one of the lecture halls on the JKU campus. The classes are filmed and then made available online via the Moodle learning platform. Most of the examinations have to be taken on-site in Linz.
Still Have Questions?
Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!
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After completing your undergraduate degree, you can continue your education by pursuing an advanced degree:
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