Master's in Digital Society.

Digitalization is essentially a social process. The Master's degree program Digital Society is an opportunity to engage in the social perspectives of digital transformation in a more interdisciplinary way.

Technology and smart technologies are a part of our everyday lives and companies today are developing the digital business models and computer scientists needed to adapt to the new challenges a digital society brings about. When it comes to digital technologies and the wide range of potential and new possibilities, legal aspects and practices also need to be taken into account.

The Master's degree program in Digital Society focuses on the interaction between technology and our social world. The degree program provides an academic understanding of methods in social sciences and theories that will help you analyze, interpret, define, and shape a digital society. As the majority of the classes feature an interdisciplinary nature, they  cover subject areas in sociology, business, computer sciences, and law. Faculty members from various fields co-teach the courses.  

The program also gives you an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary hands-on, real-world projects in a collaborative way as part of an interdisciplinary team. In general, the program is taught in German, however some courses will be taught in English.


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Key Facts


Master of Science (MSc)


4 semesters


120 credits


German (level C1), individual courses will also be held in English





  • Streamlining Admissions Admission to this degree program will be streamlined beginning in fall 2025.

    Learn more now!

What Makes Studying Digital Society at the JKU Special

The format for this graduate degree program is unique in Austria, offering considerable advantages:


  • For the first time, one curriculum includes subjects areas such as business, social sciences, law, and computer sciences, enabling you to approach digitization in all of its complexity and magnitude and ultimately shape social change.
  • You will be part of an interdisciplinary team - the majority of courses will be co-taught: Educators from different backgrounds and subject areas will work together to teach courses that feature interdisciplinary content.
  • A separate mentoring program provides you with support during your studies, including guidance and and academic advising.

Program Structure

The Master's degree program in Digital Society includes the following subject areas:


Subject Areas ECTS Credits
The Fundamentals of a Digital Society 24
Digial Society - Sociological Methods 18
Digitization in Dialog 18
Interdisciplinary Projects 18
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Digitization 9
Autonomous Coursework 12
Master's Thesis, incl. the Master's Colloquium and the Master's Examination 21


You complete

  • courses in key fields in sociology, computer sciences, business, and law
  • courses about theories in the field of social sciences and Digital Society methods
  • hands-on, real-world research projects during the first, second, and third semesters of the program
  • elective courses designed to better acquaint you with digitalization in other subject areas and fields at the JKU.

Students in the first semester of the Master's degree program in Digital Society have an opportunity to take part in the mentoring program! The mentoring program has been designed to support a smooth transition to graduate studies and during the course of the program, your mentor will be at your side to help.

Areas of Specialization in Digital Society

This program focuses on the way "Man-Machine", "Digitalization - Society", "Economy - Artificial Intelligence" and "Law - Digital Transformation" interact. You will explore the various facets of digitization as a socio-technological phenomenon:


  • As part of our society, how are business, law, information technology, communications, and social media changing and how is society changing as a whole??
  • Who is driving digitization? How is technological development being influenced by computer science, business, law and other areas of society?
  • How can we actively drive digitization forward? How can we assess the risks and identify the potential? How can we shape developments accordingly?
  • How will digitization address and impact different disciplines (such as mechanical engineering, chemistry, gender studies, etc)?
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What You Will Learn in "Digital Society" at the University

The Master's degree program in Digital Society gives you the expertise and skills to


  • grasp the complexities of digitization, analyze their relationship to various sectors of society, and actively shape future developments. Students hone their skills and understanding in the areas of methodology in social sciences as well as theories to analyze and shape digitization,
  • constructively bring together and combine perspectives from different disciplines (computer science, society, law, economics),
  • working effectively as part of an interdisciplinary team and address complex problems,
  • understanding the social and political impact of digitization and its role in today's culture and society.

Did you know that ...

...this degree program is unique in Austria and closely linked to the JKU's key focus areas of "Digitalization" and "Transformative Change"?

Your Career Prospects

Graduates are highly sought after and in high demand, not only when it comes to understanding complex relationships in digital transformation, but also toactively shape processes without losing focus on highly important connections.

Your responsibilities include project management, consulting, strategy development, research & development, or in science/academia at universities.

You are highly qualified to work at international companies and organizations, government institutions, innovative start-up companies, as well as at established companies, or at non-profit organizations.

On average, graduates in this field find a job immediately after completing the program. After 3 years on the job, their average monthly gross salary is € 3.127.

Register to Enroll


In order to be admitted to the Master's degree program, you must fulfill the following requirements.

  • Language certificate for German level C1
  • Prospective applicants should have a base-knowledge understanding of sociology, computer sciences, law, and business. 
  • Hold a Bachelor's/Diploma degree, or a Master's degree, in accordance with the following criteria:

Still have questions?

Then contact us!


Admissions Office


Bank Building

Students who graduated from the JKU with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Sociology or Social Economics (or who hold a degree earned at another university/college and deemed equivalent in content and scope) may be admitted to this Master's degree program without any further constraints.

Those holding a JKU Bachelor's/Diploma or Master's degree awarded by the JKU (or a degree earned at another university/college considered equivalent in content and scope) may be admitted to this Master's degree program providing you have also successfully completed 12 ECTS credits in courses focusing on social science theories and methods.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Business Administration
  • International Business Administration
  • Informatics/Computer Sciences
  • Cultural Studies
  • Law
  • Statistics and Data Science
  • Business Informatics
  • Business Education
  • Business Law
  • Business & Economics

If you are unable to show proof of having successfully completed these courses, you may be admitted to the program but on condition that you successfully pass a required examination by the end of the second semester of the "Digital Society" graduate degree program.

If you are currently enrolled in one of these degree programs, we recommend taking some of the required courses during your studies in an effort to minimize any supplementary examinations you would have to take in order to complete the 'Digital Society' Master's degree program. You can find a list of potential courses below:

  • VU Geschichte der Soziologie und Sozialphilosophie
  • SE Denktraditionen und aktuelle Strömungen I
  • SE Denktraditionen und aktuelle Strömungen II
  • KS Wissenschaftstheorie für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • VU Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
  • VU Einführung in die speziellen Soziologien
  • VU Allgemeine Soziologie: Grundbegriffe
  • PS Proseminar aus Soziologie
  • KS Statistik für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • VU Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Soziologie
  • VU Grundzüge der empirischen Sozialforschung
  • VU Datenanalyse 1
  • VU Einführung in die qualitative Sozialforschung
  • UE Inhaltsanalyse und computergestützte Anwendungen

Those holding a Bachelor's/Diploma/Master's degree (or a degree considered comparable in content and scope earned at another university/college) in these corresponding subject areas can be admitted to this Master's degree program after passing supplementary examinations in the amount of (maximum) 20 ECTS credits. These include, for exmple:

  • Journalism and Communication Studies
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Communication Sciences
  • Civic Studies
  • Psychology

Still Have Questions?

Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!

Program Management

If you have any questions about the Master's degree program in Digital Society, please do not hesitate to contact us by making an appointment for an academic advising consultation!


Advanced Degrees at the JKU

After successfully completing the Master's degree program, you can opt to pursue a doctorate degree:


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