Master's Degree in General Management Austria/Taiwan.

Graduates of the Master's program General Management double degree are highly qualified to pursue a career in a dynamic, global environment.

The program gives students a strong foundation to pursue a successful international career, focusing on business and how to think and act using a more critical and analytical approach. The program is demanding, providing expertise in core areas of "General Management".

The JKU gives you an option to choose between two General Management Double Degree programs:

  • General Management Austria/Taiwan
  • General Management Austria/France

The Master's degree program General Management Austria/Taiwan gives you a unique opportunity to spend two semesters each at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (JKU), and the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Tainan (STUST), thereby earning two internationally recognized academic degrees.


Page Content

General Management Austria/Taiwan


Master of Science (MSc) and
Master of Business Administration (MBA)


4 semesters


120 Credits


English C1

What Makes the MA General Management Austria/Taiwan Program Special

  • Earn two recognized academic degrees in just 24 months
  • One year of international experience and intercultural education
  • All of the courses are held in English
  • Acquire base-knowledge language skills in Chinese

Program Structure General Management Austria/Taiwan

The Master's degree program requires completing courses in the following subject areas totaling 120 ECTS credits.

General Management Competence 24 - - -
Introduction to Digital Transformation and Technologies 6 - - -

Interpersonal Skills and Intercultural Competence

- 4 - -
Competence Area - 14 - -
Methods in Management Research - 6 - -

Free Electives

- 6 - -

Chinese (Spoken)

- - 4 4

Advanced Management Competence

- - 24 12

Master’s Thesis and Independent Studies for the Master’s Thesis

- - 2 14
ECTS (Total: 120 credits) 30 30 30 30

During your first year at the JKU, the program focuses on basic management but with simultaneous opportunites to expand on your expertise in one of the three main areas (Competence Areas):


Marketing and Global Marketing in a Digital World

This Competence Area delivers in-depth insight into key activity areas that include Global Marketing, Business-to-Business Marketing, Marketing Tools, and Relationship Marketing.


Strategic and International Management in a Digital World

Developing strategies (especially for dynamic and complex environments), creating future scenarios, innovative business models (particularly with regard to digitalization and the circular economy) and the processes and challenges in international companies (especially when working in multicultural and virtual teams), are the focal points in this competence area.


Digital Transformation: Leadership, Human Resource Management, and Change

This Competence Area focuses on subject areas such as organizational learning, organizational skills, the managers's role when it comes to shaping human resources and corporate management, and individual (leadership) skills.


Courses at STUST

STUST offers a wide range of management courses, giving you an opportunity to further explopre topics that are of interest to you personally. In addition, "Spoken Chinese" seminars will help prepare to encounter everyday situations so that daily life in Tainan is a bit easier.


Video about the General Management Double Degree Master's Program

Manuela Breuer and program graduate Gregor Pechmann talk about the double degree Master's programs at the JKU.


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Your Network

Graduates of the Master's Degree Program General Management Austria/Taiwan are more than happy to relate their experiences in the program and answer any questions you may have.

Career Prospects

The Master's degree program General Management Austria/Taiwan gives you interesting and challenging career opportunities within a global environment. You acquire a broad, base-knowledge foundation in business at the JKU as well as at STUST, combined with one year of international experience and additional language skills. The program is ideal to advance your professional career and kick-start your future.

The doors to a wide range of challenging positions in industry, business, and the service sector are open to you. In addition, highly qualified generalists are in high demand as assistants to top management.

On average, graduates in this academic degree field find a job immediately after completing the program. After 3 years on the job, their average monthly gross salary is € 3.496.

„The STUST program in Taiwan is a unique opportunity to learn about foreign market business practices on a global scale.“
Gregor Pechmann, BSc MSc MBA
Graduate of the General Management Austria/Taiwan Program
Portrait Pechmann

Register to Enroll

Admission Requirements

There are two steps to the admissions process:

1. Admission to the Master's degree program in Management

In order to be admitted to this graduate degree program, applicants must hold a Bachelor's or Diploma degree in business administration or economics, or a degree program comparable in content and scope.

Detailed information about admission requirements for the Master's degree program in Management.

2. During the first semester you will then apply for admission to the double degree program: General Management Austria/Taiwan. A C1 level of language proficiency in English is a prerequisite. The application deadline is December 1. Click here, opens in new window to learn more.

Please note that spots in the Master's degree program General Management Austria/Taiwan are limited.

Still have questions?

Then contact us!


Admissions Office


Bank Building

Program Management

If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment for individual academic advising services.

Christian Hölzlwimmer, MSc


Christian Hölzlwimmer, MSc

Still Have Questions?

Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!

Advanced Degree Programs

After completing the Master's degree program, you can continue your studies and earn an advanced degree:


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These academic degree programs may also be of interest:

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