Master's Degree Program Global Business - PAC.

A three-continent Master's degree program offering a unique experience by studying over nine months in three different countries with fellow students of diverse nationalities and different cultural backgrounds.

The PAC program consists of two semesters at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz and an international phase at all three partner universities(PUCP, Centrum Business School, Lima; JKU Linz; UVIC, University of Victoria). Through its special design and structure, the program prepares you to pursue a career in international management. What this program offers you:

  • European, Anglo-, and Latin-American business contexts. You will spend approximately three months in Peru, Austria, and Canada and get to know European, Anglo-, and Latin-American business practices. As you will work on business projects in cooperation with Peruvian companies, you can gain practical first-hand experience and insights into local business practices.
  • Global mindset and intercultural competence. This program provides you with a unique opportunity to develop a global mindset and to strengthen your social and cultural skill sets. Cultural sensitivity training, mandatory courses in a second foreign language, and working closely with international classmates from different countries allows you to embrace diversity and cultural differences.
  • Personal development. The PAC program is a life-enriching experience that fosters the development of your personality. It has a lasting impact in regard to your levels of tolerance, ambiguity, openness, and flexibility - characteristics that are highly valued within the field of international management.

Key Facts

Three-Continent Master's Degree Program


Master of Science (MSc),
Double Degree (MBA)


4 semesters




120 Credits

Partner Universities

- PUCP, Peru
- UVIC, Canada

Additional Language Skills 

- Spanish (basic)
- German (basic)

Partner Universities

The PAC program takes place at the University of Victoria, Canada, the Centrum Business School Lima, Peru, and at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, in Austria. The program aims to prepare you to pursue careers in international management. You spend approximately three months in each country and focus on business practices in North America, South America, and Europe.

Master's Program Structure

The program is divided into two sections:

National Phase

During the national phase, you study at your home university. At JKU, you attend courses in general management and business, research methods, English, and work on your Master's degree thesis. You can choose 5 out of 8 management subjects. You attend these subjects together with students of other Master’s programs. This enables you to make contacts and exchange ideas with other students.

International Phase

In addition, this program provides you with a unique opportunity to develop a global mindset as well as strengthen your global and cultural skill sets. Close interaction with international class members from different countries also allows you to learn how to better embrace diversity and cultural differences. You complete the program by working on business projects in cooperation with several Peruvian companies. This program is a unique, international experience where you can learn about the way business is conducted outside of your home country.

Successful Completion of the Joint Master's Degree Program

After the joint study period, you return home to take final examinations and complete a thesis as required by your home university. Your home university will award the degree. The diploma indicates that the program was offered in cooperation by all three universities. At the JKU, you will be conferred with the title Master of Science (MSc) in Global Business.

„I chose the Global Business PAC program because it not only gives me the opportunity to develop professionally, but also allows me to study in three different countries with fellow students from all over the world. As I am aiming to pursue an international career, it was important for me to find a program where I can develop my intercultural skills, language skills and knowledge of worldwide business practices. “
Julia Henschel, PAC-Student 2020

Double Degree Option

The JKU and PUCP provide an option to earn a double degree, meaning earning a second Master's degree from the other respective university (MBA at PUCP, MSc at JKU). In order to be able to complete the double degree program, you must fulfill the following requirements: 

  • Successful completion of the international year (incl.defending your Master´s thesis at CENTRUM PUCP)
  • Outstanding academic performance during the program
  • Prepare, translate, and verify documents
  • Take additional business courses at JKU (approx. 1 additional semester) 

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: mgb(at)

Double Degree Option

Partner University

PUCP - Centrum Business School Lima, Peru


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Additional Requirements

-Defend Master’s thesis at CENTRUM PUCP
-Take additional business classes at JKU
-Payment of administrative fee SOL 980
-Carry out administrative steps as instructed by CENTRUM PUCP

Recommended Study Plan

As part of the Master’s degree program, you are required to complete courses totaling 120 ECTS credits in the following areas (for detailed information about the courses visit our Study Guide, opens an external URL in a new window or our Recommended Study Plan, opens a file in a new window). You can either start with national or international year courses.

National Phase

Semester S1 S2 S3 S4
General Management Competence (5 out of 8 modules) 18   12  
Language Skills English 3   3  
Methods in Management Research     6  
Master's Thesis and Master's Thesis Seminar       24
ECTS Credits 21   21 24

International Phase

Semester S1 S2 S3 S4
Global Business Fundamentals   10    
Global Business Development   7    
Global Business Consulting   7    
Global Business in Context   12    
Global Leadership & Cult. Intellig.   9    
Language Skills II (Spanish/German)   9    
ECTS Credits   54    


The Master's degree program Global Business - PAC consists of a national and an international year. You must successfully complete 120 ECTS credits in order to graduate. As previously mentioned, you will take the courses of the national year together with students of other Master’s programs at JKU. The following courses are offered during the national year:

Students must select 5 out of the following 8 modules (6 ECTS credits each):

  • Strategic Management
  • Marketing
  • Organization
  • Human Resource & Change Management
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Interpersonal Skills and Intercultural Competence

  • Academic Writing (C1)
  • Case Studies English (C1)

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Qualitative Research Methods

  • Master's Thesis
  • Master's Thesis Seminar

The following courses are offered during the international year:

  • Global Business Fundamentals (10 ECTS credits)
  • North American Business Context (3 ECTS credits)
  • Global Leadership and Cultural Intelligence I (3 ECTS credits)
  • Language Skills II (3 ECTS credits)
    • Spanish (basic)
    • German (basic)

  • Global Business Development (7 ECTS credits)
  • European Business Context (5 ECTS credits)
  • Global Leadership and Cultural Intelligence II (3 ECTS credits)
  • Language Skills II (3 ECTS credits)
    • Spanish (basic)
    • German (basic)

  • Global Business Consulting (7 ECTS credits)
  • South American Business Context (4 ECTS credits)
  • Global Leadership and Cultural Intelligence III (3 ECTS credits)
  • Language Skills II (3 ECTS credits)
    • Spanish (basic)
    • German (basic)

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