To a great extent, our standard of living depends on the continual advancement in engineering and technology. Change, transition, growth and progression constantly shaped our future. For more than 50 years, the Johannes Kepler University has offered degree programs and organized research projects in various technical disciplines, playing an ongoing and instrumental role in shaping our future. The Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences not only pursues and supports distinguished international research and developmental cooperation, but also focuses on hands-on, real world applications designed for use in industry and business.
Many dilemmas found in business and industry can be addressed by applying scientific techniques and methods such as innovative approaches in support of resolving problems; this has been an important and essential contribution to Upper Austria as a location of business and industry. An extensive and significant amount of publications have documented our scientific achievements, research contracts and assignments, projects sponsored and supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the European Union (EU), special research fields and dissertations. By establishing competency centers such as the Christian Doppler laboratories, as well as spin-off companies, the TN Faculty has become an internationally appreciated partner for technologically focused corporations.
Research conducted at the institutes at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences is characterized by having an interdisciplinary nature, finding innovative technical solutions, conducting modern, cutting-edge research & development as well as having modern alignment. Divided into five main technical disciplines, the institutes focus on both base-knowledge and application-oriented research.
Dean's Office at the
Faculty of Engineering
& Natural Sciences
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Austria
Science Park 1,
1st Floor, Room 132
Please Make an Appointment in Advance
+43 732 2468 3221

News & Events
Nobel Award Laureate Anton Zeilinger at the JKU
Anton Zeilinger, physics Nobel Award winner, inspired countless students and guests today with a presentation titled “Eine Reise durch die wunderbare Welt der Quanten”.
Christoph Mayr-Dorn Presented with a Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate
Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented the JKU researcher with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

Mirjam Augstein Presented with a Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate
Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented the computer scientist with her Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

The JKU Honors Junior Computer Scientists - Felix Schenk Presented with the Adolf Adam Award
Three Johannes Kepler University Linz graduates were presented with this year’s annual Adolf Adam Computer Science Award.