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Welcome to the Department of Mathematics!

ATM cards, MP3 players, computer tomography, navigation systems, steel sheets - we wouldn't have any of these things if it weren't for mathematics.

Mathematicians think analytically and try to solve problems: Their thirst for knowledge leads them to pursue a deeper understanding. Mathematics is also one of the world's oldest sciences but yet one of the most contemporary of sciences.

Mathematics today means: translating questions in fields of engineering and business, for example, to create mathematical models, developing mathematical foundations and methods, solving the problems within a model, and interpreting the findings for real-world applications. Theory and application go hand in hand.

Faculty of Engineering
& Natural Sciences



Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Linz

Subject Area Speaker

Function Name E-Mail Extension
Speaker Univ. Prof. Dr. Luca Gerardo-Giorda luca.gerardo-giorda(at)jku.at 4141
Deputy Speaker      



Academic Degree Programs

„Linz offers the advantages of city life but has beautiful green spaces as well. That, and the large number of programs available in the field of natural sciences, make the JKU the perfect place for me to study.“
Magdalena Freudenthaler
Graduate, Teacher Education Studies in Mathematics and Physics