The FemMED Fall Meeting: Looking Back from the Future
As part of a coaching session titled "Rückblick aus der Zukunft", the FemMED Fall Meeting on September 10 featured a small but intensely diverse group…

Presentations for Tenure-Track Positions “Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine”
The publicly accessible presentations will take place at the MED Campus on September 27.

JKU Installations at the 2024 Ars Electronica Festival Attracted Large Crowds
The JKU showcased exciting installations ranging from quantum music and AI to mysteries of the gut.

A Generous Donation to Support Medical Research
An ETA representative presented the Faculty of Medicine with a check for € 25,000.

Austrian Minister of Education Visits the JKU Faculty of Medicine
Martin Polaschek, Minister of Education, Science & Research, visited the JKU Faculty of Medicine.

Presentations for Tenure-track Positions: “Pathomechanisms and Innovative Treamtment Options in Cardiac Surgery”
The publicly accessible job talks will take place at the JKU MED Campus on September 18.

Two JKU Research Projects Awarded a Total of €5 Million in Funding
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as awarded each project € 2.5 million in funding.

Austrian Health Minister Visits the JKU Faculty of Medicine
Austrian Minister Johannes Rauch visited the JKU Faculty of Medicine at the end of August.

Delivering Babies: Artificial Intelligence Detects Issues Before They Occur
JKU researchers are developing an innovative method to interpret cardiac activity.