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Roland Atzmüller

Mag. Dr., MPhil
Assoz.Univ.-Prof. Dr. |Debuty Head of the Department


Research areas

  • Critical theories of capitalism and society
  • (critical) welfare state theories
  • Development of welfare states and societies
  • Labour market policies

Scientific activities and professional experiences

Autumn 2017 - present Deputy head of the Department for the Theory of Society and Social Analyses of the Institute of Sociology at JKU/Linz).

August 2017 Completion of habilitation procedure. Title of habilitation (monograph): Atzmüller, Roland (2016): Krise und Veränderung der Reproduktion des Arbeitsvermögens. Elemente einer kritischen Theorie sozialer Investitionen und humankapitalorientierter Sozialpolitik, Linz. (evaluation: Stephan Lessenich (München/BRD), Bob Jessop (Lancaster/GB));

since 09/2011 Scientific employee (Assistant Professor since 11/2012) at the Institute of Sociology/Department for the Theory of Society and Social Analyses at the JKU Linz (

2006-2010 Member of management team of Working Life Research Centre Vienna (FORBA), head of FORBA-research area “Work, Gender, Politics”; withdrawal from the management team in 2010 due to parental leave.

10/2005-10/2006 External lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences St.Pölten

10/2003-06/2011 External lecturer at the Institute of Political Science Vienna

02/2002-08/2011 Scientific employee at the Working Life Research Centre Vienna (FORBA),

1995-2002 Free-lance scientist for Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung (ÖIBF) and the Arbeitsmarktservice BIQ (Berufsinformation und Qualifikation) (Public Employment Service – Occupational Information and Skills)

03/2001-09/2001 Assistant at the Institute for Political Science Vienna

10/2000-12/2000 Visiting Researcher at CRIC (Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition) to prepare the conference “Remuneration et Protection Sociale: Qui Paie?” in Brussels 17/18.01.2001

04/1999-04/2000 Research-Assistant at CRIC (Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition, Manchester/GB) for the TSER-Project ‘La Construction Sociale d'Emploi/The Social Construction of Employment’.

1994-1998 Coordinator of the „Gesprächsrunde zu Politik, Gesellschaft und Alltagsleben“ at the Adult Education Institution Ottakring, Vienna

1994-1998 Tutor at the Institute of Political Science Vienna for Prof. Eva Kreisky and Visiting Prof. Alex Demirovic am Institut für Politikwissenschaft

1993-1995 Student Representative at the Institute for Political Science Vienna



2006- 2011 Doctoral Programme at the University of Vienna in Political Science (Supervision: Eva Kreisky, Alex Demirovic):

Title of PHD: Transformationsdynamiken der Arbeit: Veränderungen der Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Qualifizierung der Arbeitskräfte im Postfordismus.

1998 -2000 MPhil-Programme (Master of Philosophy by Dissertation) at the Manchester School of Management/UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology) (Supervision: David Gotting, Hugh Willmott). (scholarship by BMWV).

Title of Masterthesis: Skillformation and the State. Aspects of the social construction of wage labour in the United Kingdom and Manchester.

1989-1997 Degree of Political Science at the University of Vienna (distinction).

Title of Diploma: Der integrale Staat. Hegemonie- und ideologietheoretische Überlegungen zum Staat in der Krise des Fordismus. (Supervision: Emmerich Talos)

1980-1988 1. Akademischen Bundesgymnasiums Linz Spittelwiese (distinction)

1976-1980 Primary School in Neuhofen an der Krems (OÖ)