Algebra is one of the conventional branches of mathematics. We represent this area in research and education, providing the theoretical foundations used in many other areas of science.
Our institute covers several areas in the field of algebra, including a focus on computer algebra, to develop algorithms that support the automatic solution of algebraic problems. Another focal point is Universal Algebra, focusing on abstract generalizations of conventional algebraic structures. A third focus includes the theory of nearrings, an area in Linz which has advanced significantly over the past decades.
Institute for Algebra
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Science Park 2, 3rd floor, Room 372
Office Hours
Tuesday: 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Thursday: 12:00 - 5:00 PM
Please request on-site appointments in advance.
+43 732 2468 6850
Yurii Zhuchok receives a Scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
The Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities (JESH) program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences promotes cooperation between researchers from abroad and scholars in Austria. JESH offers an incoming program for researchers from 61 different target countries and aims to significantly reinforce the research landscape in the respective target country.
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Yurii Zhuchok from Ukraine has been awarded a scholarship sponsored by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. With this scholarship, Yurii will be able to continue his research on semigroups, dimonoids and related systems. In particular, his project is aimed at solving such a fundamental problem as the classification of some derivative structures of free digroups up to isomorphism, as well as to study the representations of digroups and the different properties of free digroups. We are grateful to Prof. Guenter Pilz for his dedicated support in setting up this project and we hope for fruitful cooperation in the future between algebraists from Austria and Ukraine.
Krishnendu Bhowmick completed his Ph.D. studies
On October 21st, 2024, Krishnendu Bhowmick successfully defended his PhD-thesis "Convexity, sumsets and discrete geometry".
Prof. Kauers is Distinguished Visiting Professor
As a recognition of his long-term collaboration with Prof. Shaoshi Chen, the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has selected Prof. Kauers as distinguished visiting professor of the year 2024.
Along with France, Canada, and Austria, China is one of the leading countries in the area of computer algebra. In particular, there is a large group of excellent computer algebra researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. One of them is Prof. Shaoshi Chen. His interests in creative telescoping and D-finite functions align well with the research area of members of the Institute for Algebra. It is therefore not surprising that an intensive and fruitful exchange between Linz and Beijing has developed over the years. The exchange has led to many joint publications and several coadvised Ph.D. students in the past. As a distinguished visiting professor, Prof. Kauers is spending a part of this summer in Beijing in order to develop this highly productive collaboration further.