(*only applies to BA WiWi Curriculum before 2020!)
The Bachelor’s thesis has to be written in combination with the “Research Seminar Sustainability: Current topics in Circular Economy” (Class: 515RSSMSUSS20, LVA-No.: IQD: 590.014). However, students will formally receive a grade for either SE “Umwelt- und Qualitätsmanagement” (Class: 572URQMUQMS15) or SE “Umwelt- und Ressourcenmanagement” (Class: 572URQMURMS15).
In order to write a Bachelor’s thesis at the IQD, students must have completed the modules “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten” and “Gender Studies” as well as three courses listed below:
- KS “Grundlagen des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements” (590.012) or KS “Grundfragen des Umwelt-, Ressourcen- & Qualitätsmanagements” (234.112), and
- KS “Environmental & Quality Management” (590.013) or KS “Integriertes Qualitätsmanagement” (234.133) or KS “Integriertes Umweltmanagement” (234.128) or KS “Umweltorientiertes Systemmanagement” (234.131) or KS “Sustainable Management Accounting” (282.080) or KS “Responsible Innovation” (284.018) or KS “Socio-Technical Transition Management” (282.003), and
- SE “Research Seminar Sustainability: Current topics in Circular Economy” at the IQD (590.014).
In addition the IQD expects a grade point average (of the three courses) of max. 2.50.
[Note: Institutes offering the research seminar need to additionally register a „Schein-LVA“ for SE “Umwelt- und Qualitätsmanagement” (572URQMUQMS15) or SE “Umwelt- und Ressourcenmanagement” (572URQMURMS15) in JKU’s study programme administration (SOWI).]
Contact info
+43 732 2468 5527
Formal Requirements
Filling in the IQD internal form for a Bachelor’s thesis and delivering it with a transcript of records latest with the delivery of the seminar paper (“Research Seminar Sustainability: Current topics in Circular Economy” 590.014).
The Bachelor’s thesis must be delivered within the semester of registration of the Schein-LVA, latest until the end of February (winter term) or end of September (summer term).

The topic can be assigned by a supervisor of the IQD or suggested by the student in agreement with a supervisor of the IQD.
The seminar paper delivered at the course “Research Seminar Sustainability: Current topics in Circular Economy” (590.014) will be considered as preliminary work / starting point of the Bachelor's thesis.
Structure, scope and language
- Structure: The thesis shall follow the formal structure of a scientific publication.
- Scope: approx. 40 pages (for more information see the IQD Academic Writing Guidelines).
- Language: English.
The grading of the seminar paper is independent of the grading of the Bachelor’s thesis.
Bachelor's Thesis internal form
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IQD Academic Writing Guideline
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JKU Thesis Template
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