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Project partner

Research in the Telecooperation Group at TU Darmstadt is divided into three areas: cooperation, interaction and protection of users with a focus on pervasive environments, the first two are relevant in the context of this project. We contribute to the academic areas of ubiquitous computing (pervasive computing), human-computer interaction, computer networks and distributed systems, IT security and trust, software engineering and others.

Our cooperation research represents our most diverse and long-standing portfolio.

  • Until a few years ago, our research was characterized by distributed simulation, network and system performance evaluation, and development and runtime support for object-oriented distributed programming
  • Internet congestion control, hypermedia and web engineering
  • As part of a funded research group, we have developed novel approaches to peer-to-peer networking
  • Our middleware and tools for smart spaces and cyber-physical systems have been very successful in both science and industry and remain one of our main interests
  • In wireless sensor networks, we have contributed to energy awareness and generation, as well as cross-correlation and big data analysis for multiple sensor types based on information quality approaches. Applications include smart cities and preventive maintenance, for example
  • In Internet of Services research, for example, we have developed an industry-leading formal approach to the semi-automatic detection and mitigation of incompatibilities between business process specifications and service candidates in companies
  • Focused application areas include technology-based learning (from personal learning to MOOCs), knowledge work, first aid and citizen support in emergency measures and others.

In our interaction research, the following concepts were evaluated on working prototypes.

  • We have developed powerful, novel interaction concepts for a wide range of future devices: for paper and smart pens, for rollable and foldable displays, for ensembles of hand-held "paper-like" displays, for digital tables, 3D-printed, tangible interaction, wearables and head- Mounted displays
  • With regard to interactive multimedia, for example, we developed novel concepts for large-scale browsing and (non-linear) editing of videos for computer-aided musical instruments and music exhibitions
  • On the way to an intelligent interaction, we contributed approaches for a context-sensitive, proactive and understandable interaction. a focus topic was summarized, i. H. multimodal interaction with multiple devices; The previous study looked at programming end-user avatars
  • The supporting technology research was aimed at mentally and visually impaired, young and older people
  • In the ubiquitous voice interaction, for example, we dealt with approaches for the hands-free function for mobile users (service technicians, drivers, etc.) and with voice interaction for multiple devices in intelligent rooms
  • Due to the growing diversity and combination of devices and modalities, efforts to develop appropriate user interfaces (user interfaces, UIs) are exploding. we therefore advocate a new research discipline, UI engineering; We have carried out studies on model-based UI development and object-oriented UI approaches.

In everyday business life, people are confronted with a large amount of data that has to be read, changed and re-entered into the system. This requires intuitive user interaction in order not to hinder the task at hand. This interaction can take place via a single user device, but also at the same time in common work areas. The interaction with data can take place on tabletops, on vertical interactive boards, on mobile phones or in immersive virtual environments.

The ICVR groups work in all areas mentioned above to implement intuitive interfaces and to integrate them into the corresponding tasks and processes. For tabletop applications, the group focuses on devices that can be used without prior knowledge, as they are already known from the "analog" world. While these systems were only developed for projection systems, later research focused on the implementation of intuitive interaction on LC screens.

Recently, the interaction options have been expanded from "on the table" to "above the table", so that artifacts on the table can be gestured and shown and these NVCs can also be issued to blind users. Vertical interaction spaces have also already been addressed by the ICVR group, so that deictic gestures can be transmitted during network-based cooperation.

In addition to researching the technical interface design, the group also focuses on applications. Kunz et al. Introduction of opportunities to support teamwork through IT in general and introduction of a technical approach to support the Metaplan method with Innoplan, which already uses a combination of horizontal and vertical interactive surfaces.