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Laser chemical analysis of rubber: Poster Award, 1st Rank

Stefan Trautner received the poster award (1st rank) for the poster entitled "In-line LIBS measurements of tyre rubber material in industrial environment” that he presented at the international conference "Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technology" APACT 2018 (25-27 April 2018, Newcastle / United Kingdom). On the poster, he reported on the research and development of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the analysis of chemical elements in industrial tyre rubber. The LIBS technique is especially interesting as it is the only available method to measure the concentration of elements directly in the rubber production process. The research is part of the FFG K project imPACts (http://www.k-pac.at/, opens an external URL in a new window) and is conducted at the JKU Institute of Applied Physics (Stefan Trautner, A.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes D. Pedarnig) in co-operation with the industrial project partner Kraiburg Austria GmbH. The consortium leader of the FFG imPACts project is Recendt GmbH, Linz.