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Best Student Paper Award for CP members at ECML PKDD 2024 in Lithuania.

Alessandro B. Melchiorre was the lucky one to receive the prize of "Best Student Paper Award" at the conference-site.


The paper Modular Debiasing of Latent User Representations in Prototype-Based Recommender Systems , opens an external URL in a new window by CP members Alessandro B. Melchiorre, Shahed Masoudian, Deepak Kumar, and Markus Schedl received best student paper award at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2024 in Lithuania. Held from September 9–13 in Vilnius, Lithuania, ECML PKDD is a premier European conference attracting global experts in machine learning and data mining. The award highlights the exceptional research contributions of the CP members in this highly competitive and prestigious event, showcasing innovative ideas and advancements in the field.