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Computational Photography

This intensive-course will be held in a remote lecture. It is limited to 20 participants (first-come, first-served).
Students can participate in the course in a lecture hall in the Science Park (please see KUSSS) or can use their own laptop for participating remotely. The latter possibility implies that no technical problems are encountered. If technical problems are encountered, then all students must participate in the lecture hall, and a remote participation will not be possible. System requirements for a remote participation and the exact times will be provided later. All students must participate in the first appointment in room MT130.


Although the digital photography industry is expanding rapidly, most digital cameras still look and feel like film cameras, and they offer roughly the same set of features and controls. However, as sensors and in-camera processing systems improve, these cameras are beginning to offer capabilities that film cameras never had. Among these are the ability to refocus photographs after they are taken (see the example above), or to combine views taken with different camera settings, aim, or placement. Equally exciting are new technologies for creating efficient, controllable illumination. Future "flashbulbs" may be pulsed LEDs or video projectors, with the ability to selectively illuminate objects, recolor the scene, or extract shape information. These developments force us to relax our notion of what constitutes "a photograph." They also blur the distinction between photography and scene modeling. These changes will lead to new photographic techniques, new scientific tools, and possibly new art forms.

For more information please see www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/d4/areas/giana/Teaching/ComputationalPhotographySS2011/, opens an external URL in a new window

External Lecturer

Dr. Ivo Ihrke (http://www.mmci.uni-saarland.de/en/investigators/irgleaders/iihrke) is head of the research group "Generalized Image Acquisition and Analysis" within the Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" at Saarland University.
Prior to joining Saarland University he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. He holds a MS degree in Scientific Computing from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden (2002) and a Ph.D. (summa cum laude) in computer science from Saarland University (2007).