Sebastian Raetze is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Leadership and Change Management at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria). He was born and raised in Germany, and obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the German University of Excellence TU Dresden in 2020. Before joining JKU Linz the worked at Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany) and TU Dresden (Germany).
His research focuses on how different organizational actors (esp. teams) effectively deal with uncertainty and adverse events. Thereby, he investigates concepts, such as resilience, adaptation, sensemaking, routines and communication patterns, and primarily applies qualitative methods to analyze how teams develop and change over time.
Sebastian is very interested in integrative thinking and interdisciplinary cooperation. To advance research in the domain of multilevel resilience in organizations, he has acted as a guest editor for a special issue published in Group & Organization Management in 2021 and has organized several symposia and panel discussions on leading management conferences. He has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Management at Colorado State University (USA) in 2019 and currently serves on the editorial review panel of Group & Organization Management. His research has been published in prestigious academic journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Group & Organization Management, and Business Research.
For more detailed information please see Sebastian’s full CV for download above or his online profiles linked below.
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