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Institute of Pervasive Computing
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Welcome to the Institute of Pervasive Computing!

Pervasive Computing? 

per•va•sive pər-vā′sĭv, -zĭv
English, adjective: existing in or spreading through every part of something

The Institute of Pervasive Computing at the Johannes Kepler University Linz is one of the first research institutions worldwide to systematically address the research questions arising from embedding AI into objects and environments of everyday life from different perspectives. Led by Alois Ferscha since the institute's inception at the JKU in 2000, the institute works closely with research institutions in Austria and abroad, global technology leaders, and industry.

The institute's research focus in the area of pervasive computing is on context/awareness (identity management, localization and positioning, tagging, tracking and authentication), attention/cognition and intelligence (machine learning and pattern recognition, reasoning and planning), appliances ("smart things", "smart environments", tangible interaction, wearable computers), natural interfaces (multimodal interaction, gestural interaction, haptics, olfactory interaction) and software architecture (middleware, service management, coordination architectures).


Institute of Pervasive Computing


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
4040 Linz

Visitor's address

Altenberger Strasse 66b, 4040 Linz
Science Park 3, 6th floor, Rm. 0612

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 9.00 AM - 3:00 PM
& by appointment


About us

The Team of the Institute of Pervasive Computing

Research projects

Cognitive Robotic System



Current Courses

Federated Neuromorphic Thinking

Talk by Alois Ferscha at the 9th Pro²Future Partner Conference, September 5 2024.

Contact information and announcements

Office information
You can contact us via email or our regular phone ext. during office hours.

Questions about our courses?
Please contact our team via email at teaching[at]pervasive.jku.at.