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News & Events.

[Translate to Englisch:] Vortrag Alois Ferscha

Cognitive Load in Laparoscopic Surgery

Alois Ferscha presented the MinIAttention project at the 5th Kepler Science Day.

[Translate to Englisch:] Joseph A. Paradiso

How We Will Connect To Our Networked Future in a Post-IoT World

Joe Paradiso (MIT Media Lab) opens the anniversary event 50 Years of Computer Science.

[Translate to Englisch:] Diskussionsrunde beim Symposium

T12/T22 = a13/a23

Anniversary Symposium "400 Years of Kepler's Book - The Freedom of Science Today".

[Translate to Englisch:] Production & IT Flyer

Keynote by Alois Ferscha at the Production & IT Conference

"I ask for your attention! Perception-driven self-adaptation of future IT-based production systems."

[Translate to Englisch:] Best Paper Award

Best Paper Award at COGNITIVE 2019

The paper "Importance of Coordination and Cultural Diversity for an Efficient and Flexible Manufacturing System" (Kashif Zia, Alois Ferscha, Dari…

[Translate to Englisch:] Alois Ferscha

Cognitive IT: The Dawn of the Age of Machine Thinking

Keynote by Alois Ferscha at COGNITIVE 2019.

Florian Jungwirth at the award ceremony

EyeMazing: Controlling things with an eye

Florian Jungwirth wins the Adolf-Adam-Informatikpreis 2018.

[Translate to Englisch:] Alois Ferscha bei der IndTech

Products and Production Systems of the Future will be Cognitive!

Keynote by Alois Ferscha at INDTECH 2018.

Verleihung Zukunftspreis

ÖWGP-Zukunftspreis for Attentive Machines

Prof. Ferscha and his team were awarded 1st place in the "ÖWGP-Zukunftspreis".