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News & Events.


Pro2Future in Progress & 50 Years TN@JKU Anniversary Celebration - Computer Science

On September 18, 2018, the COMET K1 Centre Pro²Future and theDepartment of Computer Science hosted a festive event.

Alois Ferscha, Ars Electronica Vortragsreihe "Future in a Nutshell", 2018

The Internet of Thinking Things

Interview with Alois Ferscha on the " Internet of Things".

JKU Transfertag 2018, Keynote Alois Ferscha

Products and production systems of the future will think!

Keynote by Alois Ferscha at the JKU Transfer Day "Intelligent Production".

[Translate to Englisch:] IoT 2017

IoT 2017: International Conference on the Internet of Things

The 7th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2017) took place October 22–25, 2017 in Linz.

Bücherregale in der Universitätsbibliothek

New book on Human Computer Confluence

De Gruyter Verlag has published the book "Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies".

Präsentation Whitebook JKU Production Research

Whitebook Production Research presented

On May 27, 2016, the Whitebook JKU Production Research was presented.


Nomination for Staatspreis Innovation - Sonderpreis VERENA.

Project PowerIT nominated for Sonderpreis VERENA.

[Translate to Englisch:] Best Paper Award Future Computing

Best Paper Award at FUTURE COMPUTING 2016

The paper "SEEV-Effort - Is it Enough to Model Human Attentional Behavior in Public Display Settings?" (Benedikt Gollan, Alois Ferscha) was selected…

[Translate to Englisch:] Symposium I4.0 Flyer (Mechatronik-Cluster)

Cyberphysical products and production systems - a research challenge

Keynote by Alois Ferscha at the Industry 4.0 Symposium.