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ZEMoS: Zero Emission Mobility Salzburg
4-year project funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds as part of the Energy Model Region WIVA P&G
In order to achieve the climate goals both at the EU level and as part of the climate and energy strategy of the federal state of Salzburg, diesel-powered vehicles in public transport and heavy-duty transport must be replaced by zero-emission vehicles. Both battery-electric and fuel cell-electric (FCE) vehicles are suitable for the transition to Zero Emission Mobility (ZEM). Which technology shall be used in which context and in which setting is addressed in this project. Building the infrastructure necessary to implement ZEM solutions in Salzburg's urban and alpine areas is a challenge that the ZEMoS project takes up.
As part of the project, two ZEM model regions in Salzburg are being developed for public bus transport and pilot projects for zero emission heavy-duty transport. Model region 1 is located in urban areas, in Tennengau. The second ZEM model region covers an alpine tourism area of Salzburg, in Pinzgau. The two ZEM model regions complement each other as they place different requirements on the alternative mobility solutions in terms of time frequency, loading, altitude profiles, temperature, etc.
Research Project
Funding Agency
April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2027
Konsoritium Lead
Salzburg AG
Project lead (JKU)
Sophie Parragh
Project collaborators
Xenia Haslinger, Elisabeth Gaar, Nicolas Forget, Tamara Ertl

- Haslinger, X., Gaar, E., Parragh, S.N., Krisch, P., Schöpflin, F., Prinz, T. (2023) Busflotteneinsatzplanung für den Umstieg auf batterieelektrische und H2-Brennstoffzellen-Busse im Raum Salzburg. In “Jahrbuch der Logistikforschung” Brunner, U., Prandtstetter, M., Reiner, G., Starkl, F.P., Stein, S., Wakolbinger, T. (eds), Vol 4, Trauner Verlag, pages 75-86. https://www.trauner.at/shop/jahrbuch-der-logistikforschung-schriftenreihe-logistikforschung-band-4, opens an external URL in a new window