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Assoc. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Moritz Brehm

Assoc. Univ.-Prof.

Curriculum Vitae

Doctoral Degree

PhD Thesis “SiGe Island Growth: New Growth Phenomena in the Stranski-Krastanow Nucleation Mode and their Influence on the Optoelectronic Island Properties”, supervised by G. Bauer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, passed with distinction.

Postdoctoral Work

Postdoc at the JKU Linz in the group of F. Schäffler.

Erwin Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), working in the group of O. G. Schmidt at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) in Dresden, Germany.

Senior Postdoc and Erwin Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), working at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics at JKU Linz (Project: "High-efficiency LEDs based on amorphous Ge quantum dots")

Project Leader of the FWF Project: "Si-compatible room-temperature laser based on ion-bombarded Ge quantum dots" (FWF P 29137)

Project Leader of the LIT Project: " Electrically driven Ge quantum dot lasers towards on-chip applications (ELGEDOLA)"

FWF START project leader: "Silicon Light Emitters Based on Defect-Enhanced Quantum Dots" (FWF Y-1238)

Project Leader of the FWF Project: "Silicon Color Centers: Vertical position control and electrical driving of Si telecom quantum light emitters" (FWF P 36608)

Head of the Group-IV MBE-group at JKU Linz, Austria.

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Semiconductor Physics Department.

Assoc. Univ. Prof., tenured


Refereeing Activity:

Nature Photonics; Nanotechnology ; Applied Physics Letters; Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Materials Research; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; Thin Solid Films; Nanomaterials; Nanoscale Research Letters.

Awards and fellowships

Best Poster award, ESPS-NIS 8, Como, Italy

Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), with Marie Curie Fellow status.

START Prize of the FWF


Upcoming invited talks:

44) Group-IV epitaxy at ultra-low temperatures for optoelectronic and quantum photonic applications
EuroMBE 2025, March 9-13 (2025)



43) J. Aberl, E. Prado-Navarrete, M. Karaman, D. Haya Enriquez, C. Wilflingseder, A. Salomon, D. Primetzhofer, M. A. Schubert, G. Capellini, T. Fromherz, P. Deák, Á. Gali, and M. Brehm
Self-Assembled Si Color Centers: Confinement to the Nanoscale Via Ultra-Low Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy
October 6-11, 2024, Honolulu, USA

42) M. Brehm
Emerging Opto-Electronics and Quantum-Photonics Based on Ultra-Low Temperature Epitaxy of Group-IV Nanolayers
245th ECS Meeting,
May 26-30 2024, San Francisco, USA

41) M. Brehm:
Novel Si-based quantum- and nanoelectronic platforms based on ultra-cold epitaxy,
6th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences: From Nanostructure to Function, 9-11 October, 2023, Dornbirn, Austria

40) M. Brehm:
Epitaxial growth of group-IV nanomaterial at ultra-low temperatures: A path to untapped device applications 
Seminar talk, 17th Mar. 2023, TU Vienna, Austria

39) M. Brehm:
Advanced group-IV device schemes based on extreme high vacuum epitaxy at low temperatures
Seminar Talk, Leibniz Institute for Innovations for High-Performance Microelectronics, 16th Dec. 2022, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

38) M. Brehm:
Pushing the limits of pseudomorphic epitaxial group-IV materials for optoelectronic and
quantum electronic applications

E-MRS Fall meeting 2022, 19th-21th Sept. 2022, Warsaw, Poland.

37) M. Brehm:
Light-emitting devices based on defect-enhanced group-IV nanostructures
 241st ECS Meeting, May 29th – June 02nd 2022, Vancouver, Canada.

36) L. Spindlberger, J. Aberl, P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, M. Grydlik, and M. Brehm:
Merging defect- and quantum dot-formation in group-IV nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications
18th Conference on Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology GADEST, Zeuthen, Germany
22-27 September, 2019.

35) L. Spindlberger, J. Aberl, P. Rauter, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, M. Grydlik, and M. Brehm:
Synergetic integration of defects and group-IV quantum dots for optoelectronic applications
SPIE Optics + Photonics conference, 11–15 Aug. 2019, San Diego, California, United States

34) M. Brehm:
Future roads for group-IV defect-enhanced quantum dot light-emitters for silicon photonics
IEEE Photonics Society, Summer Topicals, 8-10 July 2019, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States

33) M. Brehm:
Defect Engineering of Germanium
Colloquium "From Semiconductors to Quantum Technology", ETH Zürich (CH), 25 May, 2019.

32) M. Brehm:
Ion-implanted Group-IV epitaxial Nanostructures for Integrated Silicon Optoelectronics
Seminar talk, 18th Jan. 2019, Institute of Solid State Electronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

31) M. Brehm:
Defects in group-IV quantum dots for enhanced light emission
Seminar talk, 9th Oct. 2018, Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

30) M. Brehm:
Defect engineering in Ge QDs for light emission in Si Photonics
ECS 2018 Fall meeting, 30th Sep. – 4th Oct. 2018, Cancun, Mexico

29) M. Brehm:
Site-controlled and advanced Ge/Si quantum dots
E-MRS Fall meeting 2018, 17th-20th Sept. 2018 Warsaw, Poland

28) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, L. Spindlberger, P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler
A Silicon laser from Ge quantum dots containing defect-induced recombination centers
ICPS, International conference on the physics of semiconductors, July 29 to August 3, 2018, Montpellier, France

27) M. Brehm:
Group-IV epitaxial quantum dots as light emitters for Silicon photonics
2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 9th-11th Jul. 2018, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

26) M. Brehm:
Silicon Germanium QD laser
3rd European Summer school on PICs for Optical Interconnects 25th-29th June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece

25) M. Brehm:
Defect-induced lasing in Ge QDs for photonics applications
9th International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM)
11th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI), 27th – 31st May 2018, Potsdam, Germany

24) M. Brehm:
Light emission from epitaxial group-IV quantum dots
Colloquium, Leibniz Institute for Innovations for High-Performance Microelectronics, 8th Mar. 2018, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

23) M. Brehm:
Defect Engineering on the Nanoscale to induce lasing from Ge quantum dots embedded in crystalline silicon
17th International Conference on Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology, GADEST, 01-06 Oct. 2017, Lopatia, Georgia

22) M. Brehm:
Light emission from defect-enhanced Ge quantum dots on Si
SemiconNano conference 2017, Sept. 2017, Como, Italy

21) M. Brehm:
Novel Ge/Si quantum dots as room-temperature on-chip light emitters
Seminar week of the PGI-9, FZ Jülich, Jul. 2017, Kleinwalsertal, Austria

20) M. Brehm:
Lasing from defect-engineered Ge dots on Si(001)
Seminar talk, 12th Oct. 2016, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark.

19) M. Brehm:
Lasing in Ge dots on Si(001)
8th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, 28th Aug. –02nd Sept. 2016, Cancun, Mexico.

18) M. Brehm:
Epitaxially grown glassy Ge quantum dots for Si lasing applications
GDR PULSE, Ultimate Processes of epitaxy of semiconductors, 18th – 22nd Jul. 2016, Marseille, France.

17) M. Brehm:
A Silicon laser based on epitaxially grown glassy Ge quantum dots
EMRS Spring Meeting, 2nd -6th May 2016, Lille, France

16) M. Brehm:
Novel epitaxial SiGe nanostructures for room temperature light emission
3rd International Workshop on “Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties", 17th-18th Dec. 2015, Linz, Austria.

15) M. Brehm:
Room-temperature light-emitters based on SiGe quantum dots
SemiconNano conference 2015, 6th - 11th Sept. 2015, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

14) M. Brehm:
Epitaxially grown Ge-on-Si quantum dots as efficient room-temperature light emitters
9th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, 17th – 22nd May 2015, Montreal, Canada.

13) M. Brehm:
Hybrid amorphous/crystalline Ge quantum dots embedded in crystalline silicon as effective room-temperature light emitters
5th International Conference on Nanostructures Self-assembly, 7th-11th Jul. 2014, Marseille, France.

12) M. Brehm:
Hybrid and ordered SiGe nanostructures
Seminar Talk, Leinbniz Institute for Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics, 17th Oct. 2013, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.

11) M. Brehm:
Growth and characterization of hybrid and ordered SiGe nanostructures
Workshop on ordered Island growth in the group-IV system, 3rd Jul. 2013, Stuttgart, Germany.

10) M. Brehm:
MBE growth and investigation of SiGe nanostructures
Institut für Angewandte Photophysik, Technical University Dresden, 29th May, 2013, Dresden, Germany.

9) M. Brehm:
SiGe nanostructures towards applications in Si-based photonics
Seminar Talk, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), 29th Aug. 2012, Dresden, Germany.

8) M. Brehm:
Structural and optical properties of SiGe islands: The key role of the wetting layer
Seminar Talk, Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW), 11th Nov. 2011, Dresden, Germany.

7) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, E. Lausecker, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer:
Strictly ordered SiGe island growth on patterned Si(001) substrates
38th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 22nd - 26th May 2011, Berlin, Germany.

6) M. Brehm, H. Lichtenberger, M. Grydlik, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz:
Ultra-steep side facets in multi-faceted SiGe/Si(001) Stranski-Krastanow islands
QNM Workshop on MultiMode 8th - 25th Nov. 2010, University of Linz, Austria.

5) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Montalenti, G. Vastola, F. Hackl, N. Hrauda, F. Schäffler, L. Miglio, T. Fromherz:
Sorting thermodynamic and kinetic paths in the morphological transition from 2D layer to 3D island growth
16th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics, 21st - 26th Feb. 2010, Mauterndorf, Austria.

4) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik:
New insights in the morphological evolution of the Stranski-Krastanow growth of Ge on Si(001): The key role of the wetting layer
Seminar Talk, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHCP), 15th Jul. 2009, Singapore.

3) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik:
Investigations on the Wetting Layer and the Island Nucleation in the SiGe on Si(001) System
Seminar Talk, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), 16th Jul. 2009, Singapore.

2) M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, H. Lichtenberger, N. Hrauda, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer:
Investigations on the Wetting Layer and the Island Nucleation in the SiGe System on Planar Si(001) substrates
GMe Forum 2008, 13th to 14th Oct. 2008, Vienna, Austria.

1) M. Brehm:
Wetting layer investigations and efforts toward diffusion length determination in the SiGe system
Seminar Talk, University of Milano-Bicocca, 7th Jul. 2008, Milano, Italy.


58. A. Fuchsberger, L. Wind, D. Nazzari, E. P. Navarrete, J. Aberl, M. Brehm, M. Sistani, W. M. Weber, Implementation of Negative Differential Resistance-Based Circuits in Multigate Ge Transistors, , opens an external URL in a new windowIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 71, 7277 (2024)

57. D. Ryzhak, J. Aberl, E. P. Navarrete, L. Vukušić, A. A. Corley-Wiciak, O. Skibitzki, M. H. Zoellner, M. A. Schubert, M. Virgilio, M. Brehm, G. Capellini, D. Spirito, Nanoheteroepitaxy of Ge and SiGe on Si: role of composition and capping on quantum dot photoluminescence, , opens an external URL in a new windowNanotechnology 35, 505001 (2024)

56. L. Spindlberger, J. Aberl, L. Vukušić, T. Fromherz, J.M. Hartmann, F. Fournel, S. Prucnal, F. Murphy-Armando, M. Brehm, Light emission from ion-implanted SiGe quantum dots grown on Si substrates, , opens an external URL in a new windowMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing 181, 108616 (2024)

55. A. Fuchsberger, L. Wind, D. Nazzari, A. Dobler, J. Aberl, E.P. Navarrete, M. Brehm, L. Vogl, P. Schweizer, S. Lellig, X. Maeder, M. Sistani, W. M. Weber, A reconfigurable Ge transistor functionally diversified by negative differential resistance, opens an external URL in a new window, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 12, 541 (2024)

54. J. Aberl, E. Prado Navarrete, M. Karaman, D. Haya Enriquez, C. Wilflingseder, A. Salomon, D. Primetzhofer, M. A. Schubert, G. Capellini, T. Fromherz, P. Deak, A. Gali, M. Brehm, All epitaxial self-assembly of vertically-confined silicon color centers using ultra-low temperature epitaxy, opens an external URL in a new window, Advanced Materials, 2408424 (2024)

53. A. Fuchsberger, L. Wind, D. Nazzari, L. Kühberger, D. Popp, J. Aberl, E. Prado Navarrete, M. Brehm, L. Vogl, P. Schweizer, S. Lellig, X. Maeder, M. Sistani, W. M. Weber, A Runtime Reconfigurable Ge Field-Effect Transistor With Symmetric On-States, opens an external URL in a new window, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 12, 83-87 (2024)

52. K. Martínez, A. Minenkov, J. Aberl, D. Buca, M. Brehm, H. Groiss, I, opens an external URL in a new windown situ TEM heating experiments on thin epitaxial GeSn layers: Modes of phase separation, opens an external URL in a new window, APL Materials 11, 101117 (2023).

51. T. Poempool, J. Aberl, M. Clementi, L. Spindlberger, L. Vukušić, M. Galli, D. Gerace, F. Fournel, J.-M. Hartmann, F. Schäffler, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, Single SiGe quantum dot emission deterministically enhanced in a high-Q photonic crystal resonator, opens an external URL in a new window, Optics Express 31 (10), 15564-15578 (2023).

50. A. Fuchsberger, L. Wind, M. Sistani, R. Behrle, D. Nazzari, J. Aberl, E. Prado Navarete, L. Vukŭsić, M. Brehm, P. Schweizer, L. Vogl, X. Maeder, W. M. Weber, Reconfigurable Field-Effect Transistor Technology via Heterogeneous Integration of SiGe with Crystalline Al Contacts, opens an external URL in a new window, Advanced Electronic Materials, aelm 202201259 (2023)

49. L. Wind, M. Sistani, R. Böckle, J. Smoliner, L. Vukŭsić, J. Aberl, M. Brehm, P. Schweizer, X. Maeder, J. Michler, F. Fournel, J.‐M.Hartmann, W. M. Weber, Composition Dependent Electrical Transport in Si1−xGex Nanosheets with Monolithic Single‐Elementary Al Contacts, , opens an external URL in a new windowSmall 18 (44), 2204178 (2022)

48. J. Aberl, L. Vukušić, F. Fournel, J. M. Hartmann, M. Brehm, Epitaxial Growth of Planar Hutwires on Silicon‐on‐Insulator Substrates, , opens an external URL in a new windowphysica status solidi (a) 219 (17), 2200145 (2022)

47. I. A. Fischer, M. Brehm, M. De Seta, G. Isella, D. J. Paul, M. Virgilio, G. Capellini, On-chip infrared photonics with Si-Ge-heterostructures: What is next?, , opens an external URL in a new windowAPL Photonics 7 (5), 050901 (2022)

46. A. Minenkov, N. Šantić, T. Truglas, J. Aberl, L. Vukušić, M. Brehm, H. Groiss, Advanced preparation of plan-view specimens on a MEMS chip for in situ TEM heating experiments, opens an external URL in a new window, MRS Bulletin, 1-12 (2022)

45. , opens an external URL in a new windowA. Salomon, J. Aberl, L. Vukušić, M Hauser, T Fromherz, M Brehm, Relaxation delay of Ge‐rich epitaxial SiGe films on Si (001), opens an external URL in a new window, physica status solidi (a) 219, 2200154 (2022)

44. M. Brehm, G. Springholz, Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST 2022), opens an external URL in a new window, Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications & Materials Science, 1-1 (2022)

43. J. Schuster, J. Aberl, L. Vukušić, L. Spindlberger, H. Groiss, T. Fromherz, M. Brehm, F. Schäffler, Photoluminescence enhancement by deterministically site-controlled, vertically stacked SiGe quantum dots, opens an external URL in a new window, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-13 (2021)

42. F. Murphy-Armando, M. Brehm, P. Steindl, M. T. Lusk, T. Fromherz, K. Schwarz, P Blaha, Light emission from direct band gap germanium containing split-interstitial defects, , opens an external URL in a new windowPhysical Review B 103 (8), 085310 (2021)

41. M. Brehm, G. Springholz, Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST 2021), opens an external URL in a new window, Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications & Materials Science, 1-1 (2021)

40. L. Spindlberger*, M. Kim, J. Aberl, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, F. Fournel, J.-M. Hartmann, B. Hallam, M. Brehm, Advanced hydrogenation process applied on Ge on Si quantum dots for enhanced light emission, opens an external URL in a new window, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 083104 (2021).

39. M. Brehm, Light-emission from ion-implanted group-IV nanostructures, opens an external URL in a new window, Silicon Photonics IV, 67-103 (2021)

38. L. Spindlberger, J. Aberl, A. Polimeni, J. Schuster, J. Hörschläger, T. Truglas, H. Groiss, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, M. Brehm, In-situ annealing and hydrogen irradiation of defect-enhanced germanium quantum dot light sources on silicon, , opens an external URL in a new windowCrystals 10 (5), 351 (2020)

37. J. Aberl, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, J. Schuster, J. Frigerio, P. Rauter, SiGe quantum well infrared photodetectors on strained-silicon-on-insulator, opens an external URL in a new window, Optics Express 27 (22), 32009-32018 (2019)

36. L. Spindlberger, S. Prucnal, J. Aberl, M. Brehm, Thermal Stability of Defect‐Enhanced Ge on Si Quantum Dot Luminescence upon Millisecond Flash Lamp Annealing, opens an external URL in a new window, physica status solidi (a) 216 (17), 1900307 (2019)

35. F. Hackl, M. Grydlik, P. Klenovsky, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, and M. Brehm*, Assessing Carrier Recombination Processes in Type-II SiGe/Si(001) Quantum Dots, opens an external URL in a new window, Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 1800259 (2019).

34. P. Rauter, L. Spindlberger, F. Schaeffler, T. Fromherz, J. Freund, and M. Brehm*, Room-temperature group-IV LED based on defect-enhanced Ge quantum dots, ACS Photonics 5 , 431–438 (2018).

33. H. Groiss, M. Glaser, M. Schatzl, M. Brehm, D. Gerthsen, D. Roth, P. Bauer, and F. Schäffler, Free-running Sn precipitates: an efficient phase separation mechanism for metastable Ge1−xSnx epilayers, Scientific Reports 7, 16114 (2017).

32. M. Brehm* and M. Grydlik, Site-controlled and advanced epitaxial Ge/Si quantum dots: fabrication, properties, and applications, Nanotechnology 28, 392001 (2017).

31. M. Schatzl, F. Hackl, M. Glaser, M. Brehm, P. Rauter, A. Simbula, M. Galli, T. Fromherz, and F. Schäffler, Enhanced Telecom Emission from Single Group-IV Quantum Dots by Precise CMOS-Compatible Positioning in Photonic Crystal Cavities, ACS Photonics, 4, 665 (2017).

30. H. Groiss, L. Spindlberger, P. Oberhumer, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm*, Photoluminescence enhancement through vertical stacking of defect-engineered Ge on Si quantum dots, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32, 02LT01 (2017).

29. M. Grydlik, M. T. Lusk, F. Hackl, A. Polimeni, T. Fromherz, W. Jantsch, F.Schäffler and M. Brehm*, Laser Level Scheme of Self-Interstitials in Epitaxial Ge Dots Encapsulated in Si, Nano Lett. 16, 6802–6807 (2016).

28. M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, H. Groiss, M. Glaser, A. Halilovic, T. Fromherz, W. Jantsch, F. Schäffler and M. Brehm*, Lasing from glassy Ge quantum dots in crystalline Si, ACS Photonics 3, 298 (2016).

27. M. Brehm, H. Groiss, G. Bauer, Y. Paltiel, R. Clarke, Y. Yacoby, Atomic structure and composition distribution in wetting layers and islands of Germanium grown on Silicon (001) substrates, Nanotechnology 26, 485702 (2015).

26. M. Grydlik, M. Brehm*, T. Tayagaki, G. Langer, O.G. Schmidt and F. Schäffler, Optical properties of individual site-controlled Ge quantum dots epitaxially grown on patterned Si(001) substrate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 251904 (2015).

25. M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, T. Tayagaki, G. Langer, F. Schäffler, and O.G. Schmidt, Photoluminescence investigation of strictly ordered Ge dots grown on pit-patterned Si substrates, Nanotechnology 26, 225202 (2015).

24. J. Zhang, M. Brehm*, M. Grydlik, and O.G. Schmidt, Evolution of epitaxial semiconductor nanodots and nanowires from supersaturated wetting layers, Chem. Soc. Rev. 44, 26 (2015).

23. M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Schäffler, O.G. Schmidt, Evolution and coarsening of Si-rich SiGe islands epitaxially grown at high temperatures on Si(001), Microelectronic Engineering 125, 22–27 (2014).

22. M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, F. Hackl, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, and T. Fromherz, Unrolling the evolution kinetics of ordered SiGe islands via Ge surface diffusion, Phys. Rev. B. 88, 115311 (2013).

21. M. Grydlik, G. Langer, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler and M. Brehm*, Recipes for the fabrication of strictly ordered Ge islands on pit-patterned Si(001) substrates, Nanotechnology 24, 105601 (2013).

20. M. Grydlik, M. Brehm and F. Schäffler, Morphological evolution of Ge/Si(001) quantum dot rings formed at the rim of wet-etched pits, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7, 601 (2012).

19. P. Klenovský, M. Brehm, V. Křápek, E. Lausecker, D. Munzar, F. Hackl, H. Steiner, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, J. Humlíček, Excitation intensity dependence of photoluminescence spectra of SiGe quantum dots grown on prepatterned Si substrates: Evidence for biexcitonic transition, Phys. Rev. B 86, 115305 (2012).

18. M. Grydlik, F. Boioli, H. Groiss, R. Gatti, M. Brehm, F. Montalenti, B. Devincre, F. Schäffler, L. Miglio, Misfit dislocation gettering by substrate pit-patterning in SiGe films on Si(001), Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 013119 (2012).

17. E. Lausecker, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, Anisotropic remastering for reducing feature sizes on UV nanoimprint lithography replica molds, Nanotechnology 23, 165302 (2012).

16. G. Vastola, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, F. Boioli, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio, How pit facet inclination drives heteroepitaxial island positioning on patterned substrates, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155415 (2011).

15. R. Bergamaschini, M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, F. Montalenti, Temperature-dependent consumption of the wetting layer following the appearance of stable islands in Ge/Si Stranski-Krastanow growth, Nanotechnology 22, 285704 (2011).

14. F. Boioli, R. Gatti, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio, Assessing the delay of plastic relaxation onset in SiGe islands grown on pit-patterned Si(001) substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 033106 (2011).

13. E. Lausecker, M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, I. Bergmair, M.Mühlberger, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, UV nanoimprint lithography for the realization of large-area ordered SiGe/Si(001) island arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 143101 (2011).

12. M. Brehm*, M. Grydlik, H. Groiss, F. Hackl, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, The Influence of a Si Cap on Self-Organized SiGe Islands and the underlying Wetting Layer, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 123505 (2011).

11. M. Brehm*, H. Lichtenberger, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz, Ultra-steep side facets in multi-faceted SiGe/Si(001) Stranski-Krastanow islands, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 70 (2011).

10. R. Gatti, F. Boioli, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, H. Groiss, F. Montalenti, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, L. Miglio, Dislocation engineering in SiGe heteroepitaxial films on patterned Si (001) substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 121908 (2011).

9. F. Hackl, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, H. Groiss, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, Microphotoluminescence and perfect ordering of SiGe islands on pit-patterned Si(001) substrates, Nanotechnology 22, 165302 (2011).

8. M. Brehm*, M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, E. Lausecker, T. Fromherz, and G. Bauer, Excitation Intensity Driven PL Shifts of SiGe Islands on Patterned and Planar Si(001) Substrates: Evidence for Ge-rich Dots in Islands, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 5, 1868 (2010).

7. M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, F. Hackl, H. Groiss, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler and G. Bauer, Inverted Ge islands in {111} faceted Si pits — a novel approach towards SiGe islands with higher aspect ratio, New J. Phys. 12, 063002 (2010).

6. M. Brehm*, F. Montalenti, M. Grydlik, G. Vastola, H. Lichtenberger, N. Hrauda, M. J. Beck, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, L. Miglio, and G. Bauer, Key role of the wetting layer in revealing the hidden path of Ge/Si(001) Stranski-Krastanow growth onset, Phys. Rev. B, 80 205321 (2009).

5. C. Wang, J. Roither, R. Kirchschlager, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, Q. Kan, P. Tan, J. Liu, H. Chen, and W. Heiss, Enhanced infrared emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots on silicon-on-insulator photonic crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 053107 (2009).

4. M. Brehm, T. Suzuki, T. Fromherz, Z. Zhong, N. Hrauda, F. Hackl, J. Stangl, F. Schäffler and G. Bauer, Combined structural and photoluminescence study of SiGe islands on Si substrates: comparison with realistic energy level calculations, New Journal of Physics 11, 063021 (2009).

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