S. Baumgartner, O. Lang and M. Huemer
Congratulations to DI Stefan Baumgartner, PhD Student at the ISP, on winning a PhD Best Paper Award with his paper entitled "SICNN: Soft Interference Cancellation Inspired Neural Network Equalizers" puplished in the IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking Vol. 2, 2024 journal. With this outstanding performance he is invited to Brussels for the award ceremony and to attend the European Future Technology Summit from September 02-04.

P. Kovacs, G. Bognar, C. Huber, and M. Huemer
The Hojjat Adeli Award for Outstanding Contributions in Neural Systems established by World Scientific in 2010, is awarded annually to the most innovative paper published in the previous volume/year of the International Journal of Neural Systems. The paper
P. Kovacs, G. Bognar, C. Huber, and M. Huemer, VPNET: Variable Projection Networks, International Journal of Neural Systems, 32:1, 2150054 (19 pages).
is the winner of the 2023 Hojjat Adeli Award for Outstanding Contribution in Neural Systems.

Congratulations to Esmaeil Kavousi Ghafi, PhD student at the ISP, on the well-deserved achievement of being awarded the Silver Leaf Certificate for his paper entitled "RF Solder Ball Break Detection in Automotive FMCW Radars Using Isolated Targets' Phase", presented at the "International Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics - PRIME 2023" in Valencia!
The paper proposes a signal processing-based method for detecting RF solder ball breaks in an automotive frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. This method utilizes sophisticated signal processing techniques to be implemented on the radar processor, and leverages the collected environmental information by the radar to monitor solder balls and detect any instances of ball breaks.

DI Dr. Carl Böck, DI Dr. Christian Motz
Congratulations to DI Dr. Carl Böck and DI Dr. Christian Motz for being awarded with the JKU Young Researchers’ Award.
The JKU is committed to recognizing and honouring outstanding academic and scientific accomplishments. For this reason, the JKU Young Researchers' Award was created to support academic and scientific achievements and to honour doctoral candidates as well as graduate students at the JKU Faculty of Medicine.
Accompanied with a monetary award, the awards serve to showcase engaged and exceptional academics and scientists at the start of their careers.

DI Dr. Christian Motz, DI Dr. Thomas Paireder
The promotion sub auspiciis is the highest award for academic studies in Austria. Christian Motz and Thomas Paireder were delighted to receive the rings of honour from the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.
DI Dr. Christian Motz worked on the elimination of interferences in mobile phone signals with the title "Statistics Aided Self-Interference Cancellation for LTE-A/5G Transceivers",
"A bit of luck is part of it, now a load is falling off," said the enthusiastic photographer.
DI Dr. Thomas Paireder also worked on interference cancellation for smartphones. His thesis is entitled "Nonlinear Interference Cancellation in LTE-A/5G RF Transceivers"
"It is an overwhelming moment," stated Paireder.

DI Dr. Thomas Paireder
The Award of Excellence is a state award presented by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science & Research, and since 2008, the award has been handed to the top 40 graduates of doctoral degree programs from the previous academic year.
DI Dr. Thomas Paireder was presented with the award for his work "Nonlinear Interference Cancellation in LTE-A/5G Transceivers" in which he used digital signal processing to work on estimating and compensating for non-idealities in analog smartphone components in a smartphone transceiver chip (transmitter-receiver chip). In addition, he developed highly efficient methods to estimate and eliminate strong interfering signals that can tend to superimpose the useful but weak receiving signal. He conducted his dissertation in our Christian Doppler lab, demonstrating outstanding and highly practical findings.

DI Dr. Michael Gerstmair, DI Dr. Thomas Paireder
Congratulations to DI Dr. Michael Gerstmair and DI Dr. Thomas Paireder for being awarded with the JKU Young Researchers’ Award.
The JKU Young Researchers' Award was established to recognise outstanding academic and scientific achievements and to honour doctoral candidates as well as graduate students at the JKU Faculty of Medicine. Accompanied with a monetary award, the awards serve to showcase engaged and exceptional academics and scientists at the start of their careers.

DI Michael Gerstmair was presented with the Upper Austrian Road Safety Award in the category of "Research".
DI Michael Gerstmair, a graduate of the degree program in Electronics and Information Technology, works at Infineon and is about to complete his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Signal Processing (dissertation supervisor: Prof. Mario Huemer). His winning submission focused on radar sensors, a key component of modern driver assistance systems as well as part of adaptive cruise control, lane-changing systems, and implementing emergency brake systems. Continual advancements will make a lasting contribution to road safety. As part of a research project at the JKU and in cooperation with Infineon Technologies Linz, researchers and scientists are continually working on sensor advancements. Future vehicles will contain highly accurate imaging radar sensors capable of detecting and localizing road users. The project aims to monitor certain safety-relevant parameters efficiently and automatically in order to ensure the sensor’s functional operational safety.
PDF-Presseinfo, opens a file, Land OÖ - Video, opens an external URL in a new window

Landespreis für Innovation 2017
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer and Dr. Alexander Melzer
The project "Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs Using an Artificial On-Chip Target" (German title: “Unterdrückung kritischer Signalreflexionen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von hochintegrierten KFZ-Radar-Abstandssensoren”) won the "Landespreis für Innovation 2017". Press releases and articles about the award ceremony can be found here: Link1, opens an external URL in a new window, Link2, opens an external URL in a new window, PDF1, opens a file, PDF2, opens a file.
Dr. Alexander Melzer
Infineon Austria yearly honors outstanding PhD theses with the "Innovation Award". Among several nominees from all over Austria, Alexander Melzer convinced the expert jury and was awarded for the best and most innovative PhD thesis in 2017. The award ceremony took place at the Infineon Austria Headquarter in Villach on April 24, 2017. The award is endowed with 2.500€ price money.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer, Dr. Alexander Melzer, Dr. Alexander Onic, Dr. Rainer Stuhlberger and Dr. Florian Starzer
The Houska Award is the largest Austrian price for industry-oriented research and yearly honors outstanding projects. This year the ISP was nominated for the five best among the total 27 contributions in the category “University Research” with the project “Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceiver MMICs Using an Artificial On-Chip Target” (German title: “Unterdrückung kritischer Signalreflexionen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von hochintegrierten KFZ-Radar-Abstandssensoren”). The nomination was carried out in a two-step procedure from an advisory board and an expert jury. The project team received the award, which is endowed with 10.000€ for the institute, on May 4, 2017 at the ceremony in Vienna.
An introductory video of our project canbe found here:

Dr. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer
The German ITG award of the VDE yearly honors three to four outstanding scientific publications in the field of information technology. This year the Institute of Signal Processing has been awarded with this renowned price for the contribution
Alexander Melzer, Alexander Onic, Florian Starzer, and Mario Huemer, „Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceivers Using an Artificial On-Chip Target," In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1650-1660, December 2015.
The authors received the award, which is endowed with 3.000.- Euro of price money, on November 29, 2016 as part of the VDE Hauptstadtforum in Berlin.

Dr. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer
In memory oft the Austrian automotive pioneer Johann Puch, every year outstanding scientific works in the field of automotive engineering are recognized. Among the many submissions from the german-speaking area, the contribution of Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Melzer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer entitled „Mitigation of Bumper Reflections for Increased Range and Accuracy in Automotive Radar Systems“ was awarded with the third price of the Johann Puch Automotive Awards 2016, endowed with 2.000€ price money. The ceremony took place in Bad Radkersburg on September 15, 2016.

Dr. Alexander Melzer
The Young Scientist Award of the U.R.S.I. Kleinheubacher conference yearly acknowledges exceptional work of young researches. Among a large number of submissions a preselection of six researchers is, based on their scientific contribution, invited to give a talk at the conference. Finally, in consideration of both the written paper and the presentation, two researchers are awarded for the Young Scientist Award of Excellence, endowed with 1,200€ price money. In 2015, Alexander Melzer from the Institute of Signal Processing from the Johannes Kepler University Linz was awarded with this research price.
With his contribution “Short-Range Leakage Cancelation in FMCW Radar Transceivers Using an Artificial On-Chip Target“ he presented his concept to increase the sensitivity and range of automotive radar distance sensors, for which a patent has been filed in January 2015. To achieve this, unwanted signal reflections originating from the car’s own bumper are canceled almost entirely. Ultimately, the novel approach is the first of its kind that allows for a holistic integration within so-called “Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits“.
The research project is conducted at the Institute of Signal Processing under supervision of Prof. Mario Huemer and carried out in cooperation with DICE Danube Integrated Circuit Engineering GmbH & Co KG (a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies AG). It is funded by the Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM).

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Unterrieder and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Huemer.
The winners of the annual Houska award were presented in Vienna within a spectacular gala. The Institute of Signal Processing was nominated and rewarded with 10.000 Euro for the project "Efficient and accurate estimation of internal cell parameters in battery management fuel gauge chips", which was a cooperation between the JKU, the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and Infineon Technologies in Villach.
An introductory video of our project can be seen here, opens an external URL in a new window.
A recapitulation of the gala can be seen here, opens an external URL in a new window.