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Ph.D. candidate and fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) at the Institute of Sociology (Department for the Theory of Society and Social Analyses) of the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
As part of the ÖAW DOC-team 114 “The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing” (https://www.contestedcareandhousing.com, opens an external URL in a new window) he is currently conducting a project on the societal organisation of care between marketisation and communitisation in the care regimes of Austria, Hungary, and the Netherlands.
Research Interests:
Sociology of Social Inequality
Sociology of Work
History of Sociology
Academic CV and Positions:
05/2023 – 07/2023: Research Stay at the Delf University of Technology (TU Delft), Department of Urbanism
02/2023 – 04/2023: Research Stay at the Corvinus Universität Budapest, Institute of Social and Political Sciences
since 08/2021 Fellow and Project Staff ÖAW DOC-team 114 „The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing“, Johannes Kepler University Linz
since 01/2020 Ph.D. student Doctorate Degree in Social Sciences, Economics & Business
since 10/2017 Master Political Science, University of Vienna
03/2017 – 09/2019 Master's Degree in Sociology (MSSc), Johannes Kepler University Linz (with distinction)
01/2019 – 09/2019 Periscope Writing Workshop “Imperial Way of Life”; headed by Univ.-Prof. dr Ulrich Brand and Mag. Lena Heuwieser; Co-author of the brochure: "Von A wie Arbeit bis Z wie Zukunft Arbeiten und Wirtschaften in der Klimakrise" (2019)
09/2013 – 04/2017 Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (BSc), Johannes Kepler University Linz
03/2017 - 07/2017 Global 2000 - Environmental Culture Internship
05/2013 EF International Language Campus, Toronto
08/2012 – 05/2013 Civil Service, Volkshilfe Flüchtlings- und MigrantInnenbetreuung
09/2007 – 06/2012 Commercial High School 1, Wels (with distinction)
Since 03/2005 Voluntary Fire Brigade Weißenberg
Fröhlich, V. & Pimminger, F. (2020): Kapitalismus – Macht – Demokratie: Michel Foucault und Colin Crouch im Dialog. Linz: Trauner. (Masterthesis)
Politix 46/2020,, opens an external URL in a new window S. 50–52.
Soziologieblog,, opens an external URL in a new window vom 24.08.2020.
Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Volumes
Fröhlich, Valentin / Pillinger, Anna / Pimminger, Florian (2024 i.E.): Sich um die Sorge sorgen. Umkämpfte Sorgeerbringung zwischen Vermarktlichung, Technologisierung und Vergemeinschaftung. In: Atzmüller, Roland / Binner, Kristina / Décieux, Fabienne / Deindl, Raphael / Grubner, Johanna / Kreissl, Katharina (Hg.): Gesellschaft in Transformation. Sorge, Kämpfe und Kapitalismus. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa, S. 79-88.
Pimminger, Florian (2023): Contested Marketisation and Communitisation of Care: Migrant Live-in Care and Caring Communities in Austria. International Karl Polanyi Society Debates: "The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing: Insights from Karl Polanyi", opens an external URL in a new window, Vienna.
Pimminger, F.; Exenberger, C.; Boaglio, M.; Gabriel, L. X. (2022): Gewerkschaftliche Strategien zur Arbeitszeit im Lichte der imperialen Lebensweise. In: Mühlbauer, Josef & Gabriel, Leo Xavier (Hg.): Zur Imperialen Lebensweise. Wien/Berlin: Mandelbaum Verlag, S. 63–79.
Other Publications and Book Reviews
Baumgartner, Benjamin / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian / Volmary, Hans (Eds.) (2021): The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing. Working Paper of the DOC-team 114: “The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing”, No. 1/2021, opens an external URL in a new window, Linz & Vienna.
Baumgartner, Benjamin / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian / Volmary, Hans (2021): Karl Polanyi und die Grenzen der Marktgesellschaft. Rezension von: Aulenbacher, Brigitte / Marterbauer, Markus / Novy, Andreas / Thurnher, Armin (Hg.) (2018): Karl Polanyi. Wiederentdeckung eines Jahrhundertdenkers. In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 47(1), opens an external URL in a new window, S. 148–152.
Lectures and Conferences
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Gemeinschaftliche Care-Arrangements: Auf dem Weg zu neuen Sorgekulturen? Vortrag mit anschließendem Gespräch. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 7. März 2024.
Baumgartner, Benjamin / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian / Volmary, Hans: Care and Housing – Insights from Crossover Research in Europe. Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care and Housing in Europe. International Conference of the Research Project "DOC-team 114: The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing", Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4.-6. December 2023.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Abwege auf ausgetretenen Pfaden oder Spuren neuer Gemeinschaftlichkeit? - Sorge und Sorgearbeit in Österreich, Ungarn und den Niederlanden. 17. FSW-Expert:innen-Forum Einsamkeit. Unser Weg zu mehr Gemeinsamkeit in jedem Alter, Urania Dachsaal, Wien, 13. November 2023.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Contested Narratives and Imaginations of Care and Care Work in Marketised and Communitised Senior Care Arrangements. Age and Care Graz: Aging in a Caring Society? Theories in Conversation, University of Graz, 20.-22. September 2023.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Senior Care Brokerage on Diversified Markets: Agency-mediated Live-in Care in Austria, Hungary, and the Netherlands. 6th Transforming Care Conference Sheffield, The University of Sheffield, 26.-28. June 2023.
Baumgartner, Benjamin / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian / Volmary, Hans: A Polanyi-inspired Perspective on the Variegated Marketisation of Housing and Care. Insights from Austria. Institute Seminar of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Corvinus University Budapest, 24. April 2023.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Senior Care Marketization in Transition: Transnational Live-in Care in Austria, Hungary, and the Netherlands on the Move. The Symposium on Care Migration - Care Marketization: Reflections on a Complex Interplay. The International Symposium of the Research Project "'Ideal' Migrant Subjects: Domestic Service in Globalization", Johannes Kepler University Linz, 23.-24. March 2023.
Aulenbacher, Brigitte / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian: Live-in-Care, Caring Communities und die Diskussion um die Zukunft des Sorgens am Beispiel häuslicher Altenbetreuung und -pflege. Momentum22: Transformation, Hallstatt, 13.-16. Oktober 2022.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Live-in-Care and Caring Communities at the Intersection of Path-Dependency and Innovation: A Comparison of the Care-Regimes in the Netherlands, Austria and Hungary. ESPANET 2022 Vienna. Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovation at University of Vienna, 14.-16. September 2022.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: Live-in-Care and Caring Communities: Betreuungs- und Pflegearrangements und ambivalente Sozialpolitiken im österreichischen Care Regime. 5. Forschungskonferenz Sozialpolitik; ESPAnet Austria at the University of Vienna, 14. September 2022.
Fröhlich, Valentin & Pimminger, Florian: The Contested Market- and Community-Shift in Senior Care: Live-In-Care and Caring Communities in the Care-Regimes of Austria, Hungary, and the Netherlands. 17th EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Biennial Conference. EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen's University Belfast, 26.-29. July 2022.
Valentin Fröhlich & Florian Pimminger: Senior Care Provision between Market and Community: Contested Care-Regimes in Amsterdam, Budapest, and Vienna. Präsentation am Workshop "The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing: Insights from Karl Polanyi" (4.5. - 5.5. 2022) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Academic Event Organisation
Chair: Bridging Research on Care and Housing (Plenary): Dóra Gábriel: Carefare Regime in the Elderly Care in Hungary - Traditional and New Actors in a Transforming Market; Julia Gruhlich: Why Housework Never Ends – A Sociological Analysis of Technology's Broken Promises in the Home; Leonhard Plank & Hans Volmary: Transnational Investment in Care and Housing – A Comparative Analysis. Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care and Housing in Europe. International Conference of the Research Project "DOC-team 114: The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing", Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4.-6. December 2023.
Chair: Community Care and Housing (Session): Dóra Gábriel & Noémi Katona: Caring Communities as Possible Actors of Transformative Change in Senior Care: Municipal Practices and Civil Initiatives in Rural Hungary; Klaus Wegleitner / Annette Sprung / Anna Kainradl / Brigitte Kukovetz / Dženana Pupić / Ulla Kriebernegg: Social Participation and Care Relationships of Older Adults in an Urban Housing Estate. Interim Results of the Participatory Research Process Caring-Living-Labs Graz; Jana Bogdanović / Ksenija Lukić / Bojan Alimpić / Branislav Antonić: Re-creating Liveable Socialist Neighbourhoods: Case of “Benska Bara” Neighbourhood in Šabac, Serbia. Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care and Housing in Europe. International Conference of the Research Project "DOC-team 114: The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing", Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4.-6. December 2023.
Conference: Aulenbacher, Brigitte / Fröhlich, Valentin / Pimminger, Florian / Novy, Andreas / Baumgartner, Benjamin / Volmary, Hans: Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care and Housing in Europe. International Conference of the Research Project "DOC-team 114: The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing", Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4.-6. December 2023.
Aulenbacher, B.; Baumgartner, B.; Fröhlich, V.; Novy, A.; Pimminger, F.; Volmary, H. (inhaltliche und organisatorische Vorbereitung): "The Contested Provisioning of Care and Housing: Insights from Karl Polanyi". International Workshop of the ÖAW-DOC-team 114 from 4.5. to 5.5.2022 at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Soziologieblog, 18.03.2024: “Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care & Housing in Europe” — ein Konferenzbericht von Kristin Bürbaumer & Stefan Schütz. Verfügbar unter: https://soziologieblog.hypotheses.org/14672, opens an external URL in a new window
Dorf TV, 04.12.2023 / 05.12.2023 : Aufzeichnungen der Konferenz “Transformative Change in the Contested Fields of Care & Housing in Europe”
- Welcome and Introduction. Verfügbar unter: https://www.dorftv.at/video/43520, opens an external URL in a new window
- Transformative Change in the Fields of Care and Housing. Verfügbar unter: https://www.dorftv.at/video/43575, opens an external URL in a new window
- Care and Housing - Insights from Crossover Research in Europe. Verfügbar unter: https://www.dorftv.at/video/43576, opens an external URL in a new window
- Bridging Research on Care and Housing. Verfügbar unter: https://www.dorftv.at/video/43529, opens an external URL in a new window
Die Presse, 04.12.2023: Sorgekultur: Die Zeiten der Großfamilie sind vorbei. Verüfgbar unter: https://www.diepresse.com/17879792/sorgekultur-die-zeiten-der-grossfamilie-sind-vorbei, opens an external URL in a new window
Kurier, 17.11.2023: Pflegenotstand entsteht durch wettbewerbsgetriebene Ökonomisierung. Verfügbar unter: https://kurier.at/chronik/oberoesterreich/linz/pflegenotstand-sorgearbeit-jku-linz-guter-stoff/402670276, opens an external URL in a new window
Feministische Studien, 31.10.2023: »Care Migration – Care Marketization. Reflections on a Complex Interplay«. Internationales Symposium der Abteilung für Gesellschaftstheorie und Sozialanalysen des Instituts für Soziologie der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz am 23. und 24. März 2023. Verfügbar unter: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/fs-2023-0033/html, opens an external URL in a new window
Bezirksrundschau Linz-Land, 25.05.2023: Die Zukunft der Betreuung. Verfügbar unter: https://www.meinbezirk.at/linz-land/c-lokales/die-zukunft-der-betreuung_a6059460, opens an external URL in a new window
Bezirksrundschau Freistadt, 22.05.2023: Forscher aus Bad Zell im Portrait. Verfügbar unter https://www.meinbezirk.at/freistadt/c-lokales/forscher-aus-bad-zell-im-portraet_a6051549, opens an external URL in a new window