We are a leading research institution for software development and maintenance — including machines and other software-intensive systems.
Without doubt, software is at the center of innovation in the 21st century. Our institute investigates principles and methods for making software development more cost effective, transparent, and reliable. Our covers a wide area: from requirements capture, architecture and design, testing, to maintenance; including software modeling (consistency, traceability, impact of change), product line engineering and variability, requirements engineering, monitoring, and software processes. Automation plays a fundamental role to ensure that software systems engineers have the right tools.

+43 732 2468 – 4381
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Computer Science SP3
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Office Hours By Appointment only
Multi-View Consistency Checking

Maintaining Consistency Across Engineering Artifacts

Does the Propagation of Artifact Changes across Tasks reflect Work Dependencies? Christoph Mayr-Dorn has the answer with this paper @ICSE 2018
Pro2Future Competence Center for Smart Production.

Collaborative Engineering
in a Multi-Tool Environment

Effectively Reusing Engineering Knowledge

Egyed ranked Top 30 in Contributions to Software Engineering Literature

Do you want to achieve 60% more correct software engineering? Use Traceability!

Reusing Software Variants? Here is how!

Egyed ranked Top 10 Scholar in Software Engineering in Communications of the ACM

Simulation and Virtualization