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Institute of Technical Mechanics (TMech)
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Michael Krommer

Additional Information

Curriculum Vitae

Academic education

Venia docendi for "Technical Mechanics", Habilitation thesis: "Vibrations and Shape Control of Thin Plate-type Structures by Piezoelectric Actuation", JKU Linz

Promotion to Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Ph.D. tesis: "The Influence of Coupling Effects on the Behavior of Piezothermoelastic Plates", JKU Linz

Master in Mechatronics, Master thesis (in German): "Piezothermoelastisches Verhalten flacher, anisotroper, schubelastischer Verbundschalen", JKU Linz

Professional career

Interim Head, Institute of Automatic Control and Control Systems Technology, JKU Linz

Scientific Area Koordinator, COMET K2 Competence Center Symbiotic Mechatronics, Area - Mechanics and Control, LCM Linz

Full Professor and Head, Institute of Technical Mechanics, JKU Linz

Full Professor for Mechanics of Solids, Institute for Mechanics and Mechatronics, TU Wien

Associate Professor, Institute of Technical Mechanics, JKU Linz

Scientific Area Koordinator, COMET K2 Competence Center Austrian Center for Compotence in Mechatronics, Area - Mechanics and Model Based Control, LCM Linz

ÖAW MAX-KADE Fellow, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.

University assistant, Institute of Technical Mechanics, JKU

Research assistant, Institute of Technical Mechanics, JKU Linz