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K+: Linz Center of Competence in Mechatronics (LCM)- Projekte

Start: March 2001
End: December 2007
Area: DYNACON (Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical Systems)
(Area-Coordinator: Prof. H. Irschik)

Analysis of special components of a laser cutting machine
(Project manager: Prof. H. Irschik, Senior Researcher: Dipl.Ing. Dr. H. Holl, Co-worker: Dipl.Ing. Dr. Eugenia Cojocaru)
Partner: Trotec GmbH, Wels

High quality dynamic simulation models of damped systems
(Project manager: Prof. H. Irschik, Senior Researcher: Prof. A.K. Belyaev, Dipl.Ing. Dr. H. Holl, Co-worker: Dipl.Ing. Wolfgang Witteveen)
Partner: Engineering Center Steyr GmbH, Steyr

New design of complete systems and machines for processing thin sheet metal
(Project manager: Prof. H. Irschik, Senior Researcher: Dipl.Ing. Dr. H. Holl, Co-workers: Dipl.Ing.Franz Hammelmüller, Dipl.Ing. Dr. Christian Zehetner, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Eugina Cojocaru, Dipl.-Ing. Rafael Ludwig)
Partner: Salvagnini GmbH, Ennsdorf

Application of specially shaped sensors and actuators in devices for automotive applications
(Project manager: Prof. H. Irschik, Senior Researcher: Dipl.Ing. Dr. Uwe Pichler, Co-worker: Dipl.Ing. Manfred Nader, Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Huber)
Partner: Siemens AG, Abtlg. Zentrale Technik, München, Germany

Strategic project:
Combination of Symbolic and Numerical Computations in the Dynamics and Control of Machines (MBD-Analysis, FE–Computations and MATLAB/SIMULINK Computations)

(Project manager: Prof. H. Irschik, Key Researcher: Prof. H. Bremer, Prof. R. Scheidl, Prof. K. Schlacher, Univ.Dozent Dr. , K. Hingerl, Senior Researcher: Dipl.Ing. Dr. H. Holl, Dipl.Ing. Dr. Mannhartsgruber, N.N, Co-workers: Markus Dibold)


K2 Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM)

Phase 1

Start: January 2008
End: December 2012
ACCM Area 2: Mechanics and Modelbased Control
(Area-Koordinator: Priv.-Doz. DI Dr.techn. Michael Krommer)

Advanced Mechanical Modelling, Simulation and Health Monitoring of Structures and Machines
(Project manager: Prof. Hans Irschik, Senior Researcher: DI Dr. Eugenia Cojocaru, Ass.-Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, DI Dr. Christian Zehetner)
Partner: Salvagnini Maschinenbau GmbH, Ing. Kunze

Active and Passive Generation and/or Suppression of Vibration and Sound in Mechatronic Systems
(Researcher: DI Dr. Manfred Nader, Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Johannes Gerstmayr)
Partner: SIEMENS CT, Keba AG, Rosenbauer International AG

Mechanical Modelling of contact Problems and Model Based Identification
(Researcher: Priv.-Doz. Johannes Gerstmayr, Ass.-Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, Dipl. Ing. Dr. Wolfgang Witteveen)
Partner: Siemens Transformers Austria, VAI, MAGNA ECS

Mechanical Modelling of structures, robots and machines
(Researcher: Priv.-Doz. Dipl.Ing. Dr. Michael Krommer)

Virtual Robot
(KeyResearcher: Prof. Hans Irschik, Project Manager: Priv.-Doz. Johannes Gerstmayr)
Partner: Keba AG, DI Christoph Augdopler

Phase 2

Start: January 2013
Ende: December 2017
ACCM Area 2: Mechanics and Modelbased Control
(Area-Koordinator: Priv.-Doz. DI Dr.techn. Michael Krommer, O.Univ.Prof. DI Dr.Dr.hc. Hans Irschik)

Optimization and Control of Inelastic Constitutive Processes
KeyResearcher (tmech): o.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Hans Irschik, Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, Project manager (LCM): DI Dr. Christian Zehetner
Partner: Salvagnini Maschinenbau GmbH, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH / Siemens AG

Vibration Monitoring and Control of Components of Advanced Machines and Structures
KeyResearcher (tmech): Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, Project manager (LCM): DI Dr. Manfred Nader
Partner: Pöttinger Maschinenfabrik Ges.m.b.H, Rosenbauer International AG, Siemens AG

Analysis and Design of Optimized Composite and Contacted Structures
KeyResearcher (tmech): o.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Hans Irschik, Project manager (LCM): DI Dr. Erwin Karer, DI Dr. Manfred Nader
Partner: SIEMENS Transformers Austria GmbH & Co, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, voestalpine Automotive GmbH, Magna Powertrain ECS GmbH & Co KG

Multi-Body Dynamics and Control in Advanced Machines and Robotics
KeyResearcher (tmech): Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, Project manager (JKU): PD DI Dr. Hubert Gattringer
Partner: FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbH, KEBA AG, Trotec Produktions und Vertriebs GmbH, Andritz AG

Frontiers in the Mechanics of Controlled Structures and Machines
KeyResearcher (tmech): o.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Hans Irschik, Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Holl, DI Dr. Alexander Humer
Weitere beteiligte JKU-Institute: Institute of Automatic Control and Control Systems Technology, Institute for Robotics, Institute of Constructional Lightweight Design

K2 Center for Symbiotic Mechatronics

Start: Jänner 2018
End: Dezember 2021


Integrated Models for Cyber Physical Metal Production and Processing
Key-Researcher Prof. Dr. M. Krommer, Dr. H. Holl, Dr. A. Humer

Robotic and Autonomous Systems
Key-Researcher: Dr. H. Holl

Multi-physics Modeling and Simulation
Key-Researcher: Prof. Dr. M. Krommer, Dr. H. Holl, Dr. A. Humer

Virtualization and Design
Key-Researcher: Prof. Dr. M. Krommer