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- Science Park 1 - 2nd Floor - MT 0249
- +43 732 2468 6436
- +43 732 2468 6423
- florian.poltschak(at)jku.at
Short Biography
Florian Poltschak is the deputy head of the JKU HOERBIGER Research Institute for Smart Actuators at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz since 2010. He holds a Masters' degree in Mechatronics from the Loughborough University, UK and diploma as well as Phd. degree in Mechatronics from the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
He leads about 10 industry-academia research cooperation projects each year in the field of smart electromagnetic actuation, direct drives, integrated sensory, (embedded) digital signal processor control systems.
Dr. Poltschak frequently reviews manuscripts for several international journals like IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics or IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and conferences like LDIA (Linear Drives for Industry Applications) or ISMB (Internation Symposium on magnetic bearings).
His research interests include but are not limited to rotating and translational electrical machines, field computation, mechatronic system control, linear oscillatory direct drives, self-bearing drives and integrated sensory.
Research Interests and expertise
- Brushless electrical machines and drives
- Direct ascillatory linear drives
- Magnetic springs
- Self-bearing drive systems
- Integrated sensory to control electrical machines
- Requirements engineering
- Industry-academia collaboration