Career Library
Your library at the JKU Linz and your ticket to the world of learning about careers.
It's a good day to read: We have interesting and informative resources and materials available at your fingertips.
Are you getting ready to start your professional career? Are you personally interested in continual education? The Career Library is your free point of contact featuring over 1,000 books about career entry, careers and personal development:
- Applications / Application Folders
- Job Interviews
- Social Skills at the Workplace
- Legal Issues
- Careers for Women
- Assessment Center & Co
- Personality Assessment
As a working professional, you can also access the library outside of library hours (advance notification required). You can return the books you have checked out to the main campus library.
Our services are available to students and employees at the JKU as well as members of the Chamber of Labor.
Career Library
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenbergerstraße 69
A-4040 Linz / Austria
Bank Bldg., Ground Floor
Academic Year:
Mon-Thurs: 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM
Fri: 9.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Holiday Period:
Mon-Fri: 9.00 AM . 12.00 PM
+43 732 2468 5137
Library Resources
The Career Library is a part of the online system at the JKU's main campus library, The system can be easily accessed from home and materials can be checked out.
Our books are under a special page for the JKU Career Center and can be checked out for 2 weeks (as well as extended online).
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