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- LIT Open Innovation Center - Ground Floor -
- nina.fuereder(at)jku.at
Additional Information
Nina Füreder has been a research associate involved in the "Open Social Innovation" project at the Sustainable Transformation Management Lab (Linz Institute of Technology, LIT) since 2022. Nina Füreder is also a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Organization Sciences. Her main research interests lie in the field of healthcare management and how organizations, their leaders, and teams can become more resilient; how different management approaches, such as lean management, can be implemented sustainably or adapted to healthcare organizations; how innovative solutions can address issues and challenges that healthcare organizations face.
Nina Füreder earned her Diploma degree (Mag.a) in Social Sciences, Economics & Business in 2010 at Johannes Kepler University, focusing on family and health sociology and specializing in public and non-profit management. Her thesis is titled "Zahngesundheitsbewusstsein von Kindergartenkindern unterschiedlicher Herkunft".
She spent several years (2016 - 2022) working in quality management at the Kepler University Hospital. Prior to that, she spent many years as a nurse in the operative and outpatient areas at the former AKH Linz.
Fuereder, N & Foerster, C. (working paper). In the eye of the storm: hospital leaders’ resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Care Management Review.
Foerster, C., & Fuereder, N. (under review). Die Rolle der Führungskraft und des Staates für Gesundheitsorganisationen: Sensemaking in der frühen COVID-19 Pandemie. Krisen in staatlichen Organisationen im Sonderband Leviathan.
Foerster, C., Fuereder, N. & Hertelendy, A. (under review).Why time matters when it comes to resilience: How the duration of crisis affects resilience of healthcare and public health leaders. Public Health Emergencies: A Special Issue for the Journal Public Health.
Foerster, C., & Fuereder, N. (2021). Wie können Führungskräfte zur Resilienz von (Gesundheits) Organisationen beitragen? (Führung). In Austrian Management Review (pp. 48-57). Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Fuereder, N. (2010). Zahngesundheitsbewusstsein von Kindergartenkindern unterschiedlicher Herkunft. Munich, GRIN Publishing. (Diploma degree thesis)
Foerster, C., Fuereder, N., & Reischauer, G. (2021). Mit Resilienz durch die COVID-19 Krise führen. Academia Superior.
Fuereder, N. (2021). Was hat organisationale Resilienz mit Qualität zu tun? Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.
Fuereder, N. (2020). Qualität 4.0 - Healthcare Goes Digital. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.Fuereder, N. (2017). Patientensicherheitskultur im Wandel. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.
Fuereder, N. (2019). Sicherheit durch Digitalisierung - Order Sets in der klinischen Praxis des Kepler Universitätsklinikums. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.
Fuereder, N. (2018). Growing together with safety - Kepler University Hospital. 6th Grazer Risk Day: The Future of Yesterday in Healthcare. Saf Health 4, 4.
Fuereder, N. (2018). Mit Sicherheit zusammenwachsen. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.
Fuereder, N. (2018). Mit Sicherheit zukunftsfähig. QUALITAS, Schaffler Verlag, Graz.
Presentations, Talks, and Awards
Förster , C., Füreder, N. (2021). Paper Development Workshop of Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation (WK ORG) of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), The importance of the leader for healthcare organizations’ resilience: Lessons from the COVID-19, 31.03.2021, online.
Füreder , N., & Förster, C. (2021). Health care organizations' resilience in the COVID-19 crisis. Presentation at Annual Research Conference “Developing Resilient Organizations” by Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, 30.05.2021, online.
Förster , C., Füreder, N. (2021). The importance of the leader for healthcare organizations’ resilience. Lessons from the COVID-19, Workshop at IABs Manuscript Development Business & Society, 03.06.2021, online.
Füreder , N., & Förster, C. (2021). Considering the role of the leader for healthcare organizations’ resilience. Lessons from the COVID-19. Paper Development Workshop at Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division Research Development Workshop at the Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting, 29.07.2021, online.
Füreder , N., & Förster, C. (2021). The role of the leader for healthcare organizations’ resilience. Lessons from the COVID-19. Presentation at Annual Workshop of the Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation (WK ORG) of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), 24.09.2021, online.
Füreder , N., & Förster, C. (2021). Considering the role of the leader for healthcare organizations’ resilience: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis. Presentation at Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (IBAM) Conference. 07.10.2021, online.
Förster, C., & Füreder, N. (2022). A temporal collapse of sensemaking in hospitals during the early COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation at Organizing in extreme contexts´brown bag session, 10.06.2022, online.
Förster, C., & Füreder, N. (2022). In the eye of the storm: Hospital leader’s resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation at European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. 15-17.06.2022, Switzerland.
Förster, C., & Füreder, N. (2022). In the eye of the storm: Hospital leader’s resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation at the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloqium. 07-09.07.2022, Vienna.
Best Original Contribution Award, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Annual Research Conference “Developing Resilient Organizations”, 2021, Recipient: Nina Füreder.
Best Student Paper Award, Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (IBAM) Conference “Applied Management and Leadership in the Digital Age: Emerging Paradigms and Challenges”, 2021, Recipient: Nina Füreder.