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Additional Information
Thomas Gegenhuber has been the Chair of "Managing Socio-Technical Transitions" at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz since September 2021. He earned his doctorate in Business Administration at the JKU Linz in 2017. During his doctoral studies (funded by scholarships and grants awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy), he also spent time at the University of Alberta, the FU in Berlin, and the University of Edinburgh. In 2018, he was appointed Junior Professor for Digital Transformation at Leuphana University Lüneburg, where he remains a Visiting Researcher.
Thomas' research focuses on sustainable transformation (for example, open social innovation, an approach that brings different social participants together to address major challenges), and digital transformation (new forms of organization including digital platforms). Thomas' scholarly work has been published in journals including Human Relations, Business & Society, Government Information Quarterly, and Stanford Social Innovation Review. He is also a member of the editorial board for the journal Information & Organization.
Thomas frequently holds presentations at both academic and practice-based conferences. He works with a variety of interest groups (such as companies, NGOs, etc.) in an effort to put his findings to practical application. He served as an expert for the German government's third gender equality report, focusing primarily on digitalization.
Selected Publications, Talks, Presentations, Awards, Expert Appointments and Scholarships
Gegenhuber, T., Schüßler E., Reischauer G., & Thäter, L. (forthcoming). Building Collective Institutional Infrastructures for Decent Platform Work: The Development of a Crowdwork Agreement in Germany. Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
Mair J., & Gegenhuber T. (2021). Open Social Innovation: A new approach orchestrates multiple stakeholders to tackle social problems. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Fall Issue, pp. 26 – 33.
Gegenhuber, T., Ellmer M., & Schüßler E. (2021). Microphones not Megaphones: Functional crowdworker voice regimes on digital work platforms. Human Relations, 74 (9), 1473-1503.
Ometto, P., Gegenhuber T., Winter J., & Greenwood, R. (2019). From Balancing Missions to Mission Drift: The Role of the Institutional Context, Spaces, and Compartmentalization in the Scaling of Social Enterprises. Business and Society, 58 (5), 1003-1046.
Hinings, B. (CR), Gegenhuber T., & Greenwood R. (2018). Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective. Information & Organization, 28 (1), 52-61.
Gegenhuber T., & Dobusch L. (2017). Making an Impression through Openness: How Open Strategy-Making Practices Change in the Evolution of New Ventures. Long Range Planning, 50 (3), 337-354.
Bauer R.M., & Gegenhuber T. (2015). Crowdsourcing: Global Search and the Twisted Roles of Consumers and Producers. Organization, 22 (5), 661-681.
Gegenhuber T., (2021). Talk at Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany (SEND): Wie kann die öffentliche Hand Soziale Innovationen aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft fördern? (Politiktalk mit Nadine Schön (MdB CDU), Jens Zimmermann (MdB SPD), Dieter Janecek (MdB Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Dr. Petra Sitte (MdB Die LINKE), moderiert durch Philipp von der Wippel, ProjectTogether. 8,7, online.
Gegenhuber T., (2021). Keynote: Von der Idee zu Impact: Soziale Innovationsreisen. Werkraum 2 im Rahmen der Jubiläumsinitiative Wirkung Hoch 100 des Stifterverbandes, Wiesloch, 7.6.
Mair J., Brammer H., Gegenhuber T., Lang C. & Paus I. (2020). All Together Now: Orchestrated Collective Action in Response to COVID-19. Panel discussion at Stanford Nonprofit Management Institute Conference, Stanford University, 24.9.
Siu, E., Kwong, J., Ayyack M., Gegenhuber T. (2020). Award Ceremony Digital Communities. Moderator of the Session. Ars Electronica Conference, Linz, 11.9.
Gegenhuber, T. (2019). Keynote and Roundtable: Digitale Transformation in öffentlichen und Non-Profit-Organisationen. NPO Kongress, Wien, 23.10.
Gegenhuber, T. (2019). Partizipation von CrowdworkerInnen auf Crowdsourcing-Plattformen. Vortrag bei einem gemeinsamen Workshop von Hans-Böckler-Stiftung mit PlattformvertreterInnen, Steinbach, 27.6.
Henke, C.; Gegenhuber, T. Schrape, J-F., & Ziomek, M. (2019). Panel: Platformen, die allen gehören? (role: moderator). Re:publica conference, Berlin, 7.5.
Gegenhuber T. (2019). Ordnungsrahmen für Plattformen. Talk at the Arbeitskreis Plattformen Bitkom, Berlin, 18.02.
Fischer T., Gegenhuber, T., Kampmann, C., Sendler, U., & Wambach A. (2018). How do we regulate digital monopolies? Panel discussion at the Digital Capitalism Conference of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Berlin.
Gegenhuber, T. (2018). Digitale Transformation mitgestalten Chancen und Herausforderung für die Verwaltung. Talk at the Kundenforum IT.Niedersachsen (Land Niedersachsen), Hannover.
Gegenhuber T., Hinings, B. & Greenwood R. (2018). When new meets old: Institutionalization in a digital economy. Talk at the University of Cambridge, Judge Business School, Cambridge Digital Innovation, Cambridge (UK)
Gegenhuber T., & Zalmanson, L. (2018). When Algorithms are your Boss: Staying Human in Platform-Mediated Work. Talk and discussion at the re:publica 18, Berlin.
2021 | Appointed as a member of the editorial board of the journal Information & Organization (IF: 6.3) |
2020 | Member expert jury of the Prix Ars Electronica 2020 in the category Digital Communities. |
2019 | Member expert committee of the German Federal Government. Appointed by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth for the third report on gender equality (with a focus on the digital economy). |
2019 | Award for Research in Digital Innovation. Awarded at Research Impact and Contributions to Knowledge (RICK) workshop at Cambridge Digital Innovation (Judge School of Business) for the article in Information & Organization (Hinings, Gegenhuber, & Greenwood, 2018). |
2017 | Science award of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour. Awarded for research on crowdwork, 3000 Euro. |
2015 | Upper Austrian provincial government award for interdisciplinary research. Award for the research excellence of the DOC-team 67, funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences (together with Maria Dammayr and Doris Graß), 5.000 Euro. |
2021 | Volkswagen Foundation Research Grant to conduct research on open and participatory innovation. Main applicant together with Johanna Mair (Hertie/Stanford University). |
2019 | EFRE-Project "Digital Entrepreneurship" together with Prof. Paul Drews, Prof. Burkhardt Funk, Prof. David Loschelder, Prof. Markus Reihlen; joint proposal with the Ostfalia University. Role: Co-applicant (supervising one PhD candidate). |
2019 | Organizer for the DFG Research Network on “Strategizing in a digital economy: A strategy-as-practice approach” together with Maximilian Heimstädt, Georg Reischauer and Violetta Splitter. |
2017 | Post-Doc Track Pilot Program Fellowship awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Grant to complete scholarly work on journal manuscripts. |
2016 | Marietta Blau Grant. Grant to conduct research abroad for a 9-month period at the University of Alberta and at the University of Edinburgh. Awarded by the Centre for International Cooperation and Mobility (ÖAD) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. |
2013 | DOC-Team Fellowship awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Grant to conduct dissertation research as part of an interdisciplinary research team at the Institute of Organization and Global Management Studies at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz (together with Maria Dammayr and Doris Graß). |
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