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[Translate to Englisch:] LIT Lectures Logo

LIT Lectures on September 15, 2021    

Interested in learning more about research at the JKU? Then join us for the LIT Lecture Series!


Music Tower Blocks (EmoMTB) at Ars Electronica 2021

A city of music just the way you like it

Project Manager: Markus Schedl
Institute of Computational Perception / LIT AI Lab

Kepler´s Gardens
Symposium Universitas

Symposium Universitas.

New Perspectives on University Education and Research.
September 8 – 9 / Open Innovation Center, JKU

OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz
ELLIS Unit Linz

Start of LIT AI Lab/ ELLIS Unit Linz Seminar

First talk by Richard Küng, Institute for Integrated Circuits, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Lecture hall 19, SP3
[Translate to Englisch:] OIC Sommer Picknick

OIC Summer Picknick

We invite you to a cozy picnic on the soccer field in front of the building!

Fußballplatz vor dem OIC
[Translate to Englisch:] LIT OIC Breakfast Briefing

 LIT Breakfast Briefing

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Seidl and Dr. He Sun

Digi Tea(m)Time

Digi Tea(m) Time
May 27, 2021

Time Topic Speaker
4:00 pm Opening Remarks and Updated information Zoltan Major 
4:05 pm The Digital…
Online - Zoom
[Translate to Englisch:]

LIT Lectures on May 19, 2021    

Interested in learning more about research at the JKU? Then join us for the LIT Lecture Series!

The LIT FOCUS Lecture Series is more than just about…

Community Morning

OIC Community Morning

Let`s stay connected!