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[Translate to Englisch:] Gruppenfoto Kick-Off

Crossing Borders

Upper Austria and South Bohemia in Dialogue

Flip & Yasmo machen HipHop-Gesten in die Kamera, im Hintergrund blau leuchtender Strahlenkranz um sie herum

New Music Video: "Hi, AI (134 TWh)"

in cooperation with Yasmo & Flip, focusing on the climate impact by using artificial intelligence

2024 Award of Excellence ceremony; photo credit: BMBWF/Fotografie Sabine Klimpt/ Lichtblick KG – Sabine Klimpt (office@klimpt.at) / www.klimpt.at

The JKU Receives Two Awards of Excellence

Lisa Sonnleithner and Johannes Thaller wrote two of this year’s 40 top rated dissertations.

Martina Mara, Flip und Yasmo posieren sitzend für das Foto

“Hi, AI (134 TWh)": Together with Yasmo & Flip, the LIT Robopsychology Lab raps about AI's carbon footprint

Scientists predict that AI systems operating on a global scale will quickly require up to 134 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity per year.

F.l.: Mara, Flip, Yasmo; photo credit: Zoe Goldstein

“Hi, AI (134 TWh)": Together with Yasmo & Flip, the JKU Raps about AI's Carbon Footprint

Scientists predict that AI systems operating on a global scale will quickly require up to 134 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity per year.

Elisabeth Ulbrich; photo credit: JKU

Introducing the JKU LIT Open Innovation Center’s New Managing Director

Elisabeth Ulbrich MA, MSc has been named Managing Director at the JKU's LIT Open Innovation Center (OIC).

[Translate to Englisch:] discussion round

Opening Event

The Art x Science School for Transformation celebrates its kick-off event.

5 Frauen stehen auf der Stiege vor der TU Wien, im Hintergrund die Fahne mit dem Kongress-Logo

LIT Robopsychology Lab at the DGPs Congress 2024

One of German-speaking Europe's most important conferences for psychologists – the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) Conference – took place…

Delegation in Italy: Bramerdorfer and Reichl with Energy Minister Achleitner; photo credit: JKU

Members from the JKU Energy Institute Joined a Delegation to Italy

JKU scholars took part in a research trip to Italy.