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Johannes Schacherl of dataformers

The LIT OIC Introduces dataformers

There’s a lot going on at the LIT Open Innovation Center. We would like to introduce you to some of the departments and companies that call LIT home.

Professor Jakoby übernimmt die Leitung der Internationalen Akademie Traunkirchen.

Prof. Jakoby to Head the International Academy Traunkirchen

At the beginning of the year, the JKU Mechatronics professor succeeded the former head of the International Academy Traunkirchen, Prof. Zeilinger.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Start of the new year

The LIT Robopsychology Lab has begun the year 2020 with a retreat. 

von links: Maria Molina und Stefanie Painsith von Greiner.

LIT OIC Would Like to Introduce: Greiner Technology & Innovation

Greiner AG is a world leader in plastic and foam solutions – and is located in the LIT OIC.

Professor Sepp Hochreiter mit Studierenden.

The JKU and IST Austria Thrilled to Create a Local ELLIS Network

The Institute for Machine Learning and the LIT AI Lab (JKU) as well as the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Lower Austria…

Martina Mara hält einen Blumenstrauß und die Preisstatue in der Hand, Kathrin Gaal eine Urkunde, beide lächeln in die Kamera.

Vienna Women's Prize awarded to Martina Mara

Martina Mara received the Vienna Women's Prize 2019 in the category "Digitisation".

von links: Doktor  Jürgen Fuß (FH OÖ Campus Hagenberg), Dissertant Thomas Grurl und Prof. Robert Wille (JKU)

Researchers Prepare for the Age of Quantum Computing as Computers of Tomorrow take on Super Complex Simulations

What once sounded like science fiction will soon become reality: the creation of quantum computers that can perform highly complex calculations faster…

AI-Experte und Wittgenstein-Preisträger Gerhard Widmer.

AI Expert and Wittgenstein Award Winner Prof. Gerhard Widmer to Remain at the Johannes Kepler University Linz

On Thursday, December 5, JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas remarked: "For both professional and personal reasons I am delighted that the Johannes Kepler…

von links: Robert Wille, Gabriel Ebner, Andreas Grimmer, Elmar Pichl (Ministerium)

JKU Dissertations Win State Awards

Two JKU PhD students were presented with Awards of Excellence in Vienna.