Starting the new year, we welcomed Jakob Lambert, co-initiator and project manager at the Federal Ministry for Environment for the Climate Ticket Austria and managing director of OneMobility GmbH, to the Sustainable Transformation Dialogues. Jakob Lambert gave practical insights on the role the state can play in the organization of transformation processes.
In his presentation, Jakob Lambert introduced the concept as well as the project process up to the introduction of the climate ticket. With the climate ticket all means of public transport in a certain area - regional, cross-regional, or Austria-wide - can be used at a fair price for one year. To date, around 138,000 climate tickets have already been sold.
There were three core tasks in the implementation of the climate ticket, according to Lambert: “Doing the right things, getting the right tools in hand, and doing things right.” The former has already been fulfilled by the introduction of the climate ticket. The state is investing in the expansion and use of public transport to meet the overall goal of addressing the climate crisis, and it is doing so at an acceptable ticket tariff. On the task of using the right tools, Lambert said Austria, compared to other countries, had a head start in the three core areas of infrastructure, transport network supply, and ticket tariffs. This is particularly due to the compact transport landscape, including 16 tariff partners. In addition, a competent project team with flat hierarchies, mutual trust, and countless feedback loops was crucial to the successful completion of the project. Things were also done right: Agile processes and professional project management meant that the "Climate Ticket" project was implemented within just 1.5 years - given the size of the project and the public context, one can metaphorically speak of implementation at the speed of light.
"State actors play an important role in transformation processes. I am very grateful that Jakob Lambert shared his experiences with the students. In our course, we also engage with ideas from Mariana Mazzucato. She emphasizes the need to invest in the organizational capabilities of the state. The rapid and professional implementation of the climate ticket is a very good example of what well-organized processes can achieve," says Professor Thomas Gegenhuber.