Education and Working experience
Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Soft Structures for Vibration Isolation and Impact Protection
Assoc. Univprof. at the School of Education, STEM Didactic/ Physics, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz
Assoc. Univprof. at Soft Matter Physics, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, research on electronic skin and soft robots
Assistant Professor at Soft Matter Physics, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, research on electronic skin and soft robots
Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Nanoscience Centre, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, research on enabling technologies for stretchable electronics/organic electronics, in cooperation with Nokia
Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at Soft Matter Physics, Institute for Experimental Physics, (Prof. Dr. S. Bauer), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, development of flexible sensors
Ph.D. dissertation (with distinction) in Technical Physics at Soft Matter Physics, Institute for Experimental Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz,
Master's in Technical Physics at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz; Master's thesis at the Institute of Biophysics,
EAPromising European Researcher Award
The Christian Doppler Award
Upper Austrian Female Researcher Award, Special Award Junior Researcher
ITG Award (VDE Germany) for the Ph.D. Dissertation
“Prize” Award by the Austrian Ministry of Economics
“Tech2B” Award for Ph.D. Dissertation
“Linzer Physik-Oscar”, now the Wilhelm Macke Award
Wilhelm-Macke Master's Thesis Award
Language skills
Mother tongue
Strong fluency
Basic fluency