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Sepp Hochreiter

Director of the LIT AI Lab Head of the Deep Learning Group

Sepp Hochreiter’s seminal works about the vanishing gradient and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks laid the foundation of what has now become known as Deep Learning. LSTM has been widely adopted in deep learning applications including research and commercial tools such as speech and language interfaces in smartphones.

Gerhard Widmer

Head of the Computational Perception Group

Gerhard Widmer is one of the most highly cited researchers in the fields of Sound and Music Computing (SMC) and Music Information Retrieval (MIR). His teams in Linz and Vienna have effectively been defining state-of-the-art in tasks such as rhythm and tempo perception, real-time beat and music tracking as well as predictive modeling of expressive music performance, and are among the leading labs in general acoustic scene classification and event detection. Widmer's pioneering work has won him numerous top scientific awards and accolades both in Austria (Wittgenstein Award) and abroad (ERC Advanced Grant).

Gerhard Widmer vor Klavier stehend

Günter Klambauer

Head of the Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences Group

Günter Klambauer is a leading researcher for machine learning methods in Life Sciences. For the introduction of machine learning methods in molecular biology, he has received the Austrian Life Science Award. He is known for the invention of self-normalizing neural networks.

Martina Seidl

Head of the Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Group

Martina Seidl is the head of the Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence since October 2020. After her doctorate and 2 years as a research assistant at the TU Vienna, she researched and taught for 10 years at the Institute for Formal Models and Verification at the JKU. In her research, Martina Seidl mainly deals with the development of automatic reasoning techniques and their application in software verification and symbolic artificial intelligence.

Martina Seidl

Markus Schedl

Head of the Human-centered AI Group

Markus Schedl is well known for his work on recommender systems, user modeling, multimedia information retrieval, and web mining. He has led or was involved in several scientific projects funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and the European Commission (EC).

Johannes Fürnkranz

Head of Computational Data Analytics Group

Johannes Fürnkranz works in machine learning and data mining, in particular inductive rule learning, multi-label classification and preference learning, and their applications in game playing, web mining, and scientific data mining. He helped to shape the field of preference learning by coediting a book on this subject, and published a monograph on inductive rule learning. He is the editor-in-chief of the journal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

Johannes Fürnkranz

Werner Zellinger

Head of the Robust AI Group

Werner Zellinger is committed to advancing the understanding of machine learning systems that remain reliable and effective under distribution shifts and real-world variability. His research includes the development of confidence measures for the expected behavior of learning algorithms and methods for adapting AI systems to novel environments.

Werner Zellinger

Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence

Faculty Members at the LIT AI Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence

Name Research Area E-Mail

Logical Reasoning

Martina Seidl Symbolic Artificial Intelligence martina.seidl(at)jku.at
Alexander Egyed Software Systems Engineering alexander.egyed(at)jku.at
Alois Ferscha Pervasive Computing ferscha(at)pervasive.jku.at
Manuel Kauers, opens an external URL in a new window Computer Algebra manuel.kauers(at)jku.at
Sepp Hochreiter Machine Learning hochreit(at)ml.jku.at
Gerhard Widmer Computational Perception gerhard.widmer(at)jku.at

Research coordination

Name Position Email Phone
Mag. (FH) Yvonne Hauser LIT AI Lab Manager hauser(at)ai-lab.jku.at +43 732 2468 9391
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Werner Zellinger LIT AI Lab Manager zellinger(at)ai-lab.jku.at +43 732 2468 4532

Administrative Staff

Name Position Email Phone
Jenny Joana Knauth, MA AI Study Coordinator/ Program Manager knauth(at)ai-lab.jku.at

+43 732 2468 9390

Christina Semper

Secretary AI Lab christina.semper(at)jku.at +43 732 2468 5751
Alexandra Zuschrott, BEd Secretary AI Lab zuschrott(at)ai-lab.jku.at +43 732 2468 9393

Jonas Grill, B.Sc.

Technician jonas.grill(at)jku.at

+43 732 2468 9392

Christian Friedl Technician christian.friedl(at)jku.at +43 732 2468 4488