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LIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
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News & Events

Gegenhuber Thomas, Thäter Laura und Weibold Valentin freuen sich über die Auszeichnung des Kepler Awards.

JKU Best Practice Teaching Award for Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter.

The JKU annually awards the 'Kepler Awards for Excellence in Teaching' to recognize innovation in and implementation of excellent teaching. As part of…

Presentation Flyer: Digital Literacy

Presentation "Digital Literacy for Stronger Democracies"

We are inundated with an overwhelming barrage of information, day in and day out. Fake news, conspiracy myths, the targeted dissemination of…

Circus of Knowledge JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

Socio-Ecological Challenges and the Volkshilfe of Upper Austria's Contributions

The Volkshilfe has been a pivotal institution in Austria's socio-political landscape for decades, providing people with support during difficult times…

Titel der Publikation auf blauem Hintergrund

New Publication: The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets

Together with Diana Tran Nhat and Timm Teubner (Technical University Berlin), Laura Thäter recently published an article titled "The Duality of…

poster session

Summer Semester 2023 - Final Poster Session by AI Master's Students on June 19, 2023

Over 20 theses by Master's degree students in the AI program at the Johannes Kepler University were presented on campus.

JKU Campus

ELLIS research programs: Two new proposals accepted

Great news! We are excited to announce that the proposals ‘Machine Learning for
Molecule Discovery’ and ‘Learning for Graphics and Vision’ have been…

Proteine werden von der AI als Input verwendet, um z.B. Andockstellen für Medikamente zu finden. Eine 3D-Struktur-Vorhersage eines Proteins würde wie auf dem Bild aussehen

The New ELLIS Program: The JKU Spearheads AI Molecular Research in Europe

Be it image recognition software, chatbots, or a browser’s search algorithm, self-learning systems are now an undeniable part of everyday life.

ELISE 2nd Open Call

ELISE 2nd Open Call for Applicants

ELISE calls out for the best Artificial Intelligence SMEs!


[Translate to Englisch:] LIT Lectures Logo

LIT Lectures on November 16, 2022    

If you're interested in learning more about research at the JKU, join us once again for the LIT Lecture Series! This time in the OIC Forum and online…

OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz