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LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab
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News & Events.


Rick Rabiser Podcast Interview: Think Outside the Community!

About Improving Interaction between Academia and Industry for Better Practice and Better Research


ETFA 2024 in Padua

Winter School

Save the Date: 4 Days of Eclipse 4diac Winter School – February 11–14, 2025

What are your plans for this winter? Skiing, baking cookies, or maybe a sleigh ride? Whatever you are considering, we have a recommendation for you:…


LIT CPS Lab at SPLC 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, 2024, our team participated in the 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2024) in…


LIT CPS Lab: Young Researcher Award

We are delighted that two current and one former member of our institute have been awarded the JKU Young Researchers' Award. With this award, Johannes…


Success for JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab: Best Industry Paper Award

Panta rhei. This idea, which can be translated from Ancient Greek as "Everything flows," is attributed to the philosopher Heraclitus. What do you…


Software Engineering 2024 at JKU: a conference and four perspectives on it

At the end of February, the Software Engineering Conference 2024, opens an external URL in a new window (SE24) took place at the JKU campus - the annual symposium of the Software…

[Translate to Englisch:] 2 Doktorinnen, 2 Doktoren: Erfolg am LIT CPS Lab

4 Doctors: Success at the LIT CPS Lab

The LIT CPS Lab has achieved a significant milestone: the fourth candidate from our team has successfully completed her doctoral studies. On Friday,…

[Translate to Englisch:] Kevin

LIT CPS Lab is happy: We are doctor!

On Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, around 3 p.m., applause, whistles and joyful cheering could be heard on the upper floor of the Open Innovation Center…