Algorithms are the basis of software development. They bridge computer science theory and programming.
In this lecture students learn about the important core characteristics and classes of algorithms with a focus on their practical use to implement software systems and solve concrete problems.
* Algorithms: definition, algorithms vs. programs, representing algorithms, abstraction layers and characteristics of algorithms
* Specifications: objectives, Interface descriptions, requirements, representing specifications
* Step-wise refinement: "divide & conquer", systematic problem solving, examples
* Algorithms with a memory: term and definition, ways to implement algorithms with a memory
* Complexity: terms and definitions, runtime analysis, runtime measurements, asymptotic complexity, minimal complexity of problems
* Dynamic data structures: classes and references, linear lists, unsorted lists, sorted lists, ring lists, double-connected lists, stacks, queues, sets
* Recursion: term and definition, classification, termination, applications, transforming recursive into iterative algorithms
* Sorting: selection sort, insertion sort, shell sort, quick sort, merge sort, sorting lists, heap sort, topological sort, complexity of sorting algorithms
* Trees: term and definition, binary search trees, balanced trees, topdown-234-trees, black-red-trees, B-trees
* Graphs: term and definition, depth-first-search, breadth-first-search, smallest spanning tree, shortest path, transitive hull, serialization of graphs
* Exhaustion: n-queens problem, schema to search a solution, using exhaustion to find a solution, optimization, representing solution vectors, approximation, non-deterministic algorithms
* Classification of algorithms
The lecture mostly is based on algorithms in pseudo code. This allows learning algorithms independent of a concrete programming language.
Some parts of the lecture are supported by demo videos. Some algorithms are constructed on the blackboard or whiteboard step by step.
The exercises are meant to detail and deepen what is learnt in the lecture. Exercises are thus defined based on the contents of the lecture. Students shall use a recent object-oriented programming language (e.g., Java) to practice designing and implementing the algorithms that are presented in the lecture, using simple yet realistic examples. In the exercise units, students and lecturers discuss exercises including example solutions.
VO: lecture exam at the end ot the semester
UE: evaluation of elaborated sentences
The lecture is mainly based on slides. Slides and additional material will be made available for download in PDF format.
--> Band 1: Fundamental Algorithms.
--> Band 2: Seminumerical Algorithms.
--> Band 3: Sorting and Searching.
Visualization und animation of different Algorithmen: here, opens an external URL in a new window and here, opens an external URL in a new window.
{{ labelInLang('cid') }} | {{ labelInLang('title') }} | {{ labelInLang('registration') }} | {{ labelInLang('type') }} | {{ labelInLang('hours') }} | {{ labelInLang('teachers') }} | {{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} |
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) |
{{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }} {{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }} |
{{ labelInLang('register') }} | {{ item.type }} | {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} | {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} | {{ item.rhythm }} |
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) | |
{{ labelInLang('title') }} |
{{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
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{{ labelInLang('registration') }} | {{ labelInLang('register') }} |
{{ labelInLang('type') }} | {{ item.type }} |
{{ labelInLang('hours') }} | {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} |
{{ labelInLang('teachers') }} | {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} |
{{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} | {{ item.rhythm }} |
The exercises for Algorithms and Data Structures serve to deepen the contents of the lecture of the same name. The exercises are accordingly closely adapted to the lecture material and handed out.
Information about the lecture can be found here
There will be 9 exercise sheets on the topics of the lecture. The exercise preliminary meeting will take place on Wednesday, 08 March 2023 during the lecture. The first exercise session with the issue of the first exercise sheet on Wednesday, 15 March 2023.
510.211 UE Algorithms and Data Structures | 1 UE | Feichtinger | MI 12:00-12:45 | Room: HS 14 | Start: 15.03.2023, preliminary discussion on 08.03.2023 in the context of the first VL |
510.214 UE Algorithms and Data Structures | 1 UE | Feichtinger | MI 12:45-13:30 | Room: HS 14 | Start: 15.03.2023, preliminary discussion on 08.03.2023 in the context of the first VL |
510.215 UE Algorithms and Data Structures | 1 UE | Feichtinger | MI 13:45-14:30 | Room: HS 14 | Start: 15.03.2023, preliminary discussion on 08.03.2023 in the context of the first VL |
A virtual Tutorium with the tutors is held every Tuesday 4:15pm – 5:00pm. The Zoom link is provided in Moodle.
Grade | Minimum | Maximum |
Sehr Gut | >=168 | <=192 |
Gut | >=144 | <168 |
Befriedigend | >=120 | <144 |
Genügend | >=96 | <120 |
Nicht Genügend | 0 | <96 |
The exercise details and supplementary material for the course are available for download in the Moodle course.
{{ labelInLang('cid') }} | {{ labelInLang('title') }} | {{ labelInLang('registration') }} | {{ labelInLang('type') }} | {{ labelInLang('hours') }} | {{ labelInLang('teachers') }} | {{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} |
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) |
{{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }} {{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }} |
{{ labelInLang('register') }} | {{ item.type }} | {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} | {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} | {{ item.rhythm }} |
{{ item._id }} ({{ item.term }}) | |
{{ labelInLang('title') }} |
{{ item.title }}: {{ item.subtitle }}
{{ labelInLang('moreinfo') }} {{ labelInLang('expand') }} {{ labelInLang('collapse') }} |
{{ labelInLang('registration') }} | {{ labelInLang('register') }} |
{{ labelInLang('type') }} | {{ item.type }} |
{{ labelInLang('hours') }} | {{ item['hours-per-week'] }} |
{{ labelInLang('teachers') }} | {{ teacher.firstname }} {{ teacher.lastname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.firstname }} {{ item.teachers.teacher.lastname }} |
{{ labelInLang('rhythm') }} | {{ item.rhythm }} |