Our community interview series focuses on AI, robot psychology, IT security, flexible and elastic prostheses, and recycling.
"Lebenswerter Alpenraum"
Alleviating touristic surges, balancing "local" and "tourism" interests, and attracting new visitors to Upper Austria, Salzburg, and Chiemgau: Dr. Herta Neiß and Irene Wöger MA are working together with local residents, the recreational and tourism boards, and Salzkammergut 2024 - Europe's Capital of Culture Ltd., to find mutually beneficial solutions in support sustainable tourism in the German-Austrian border region as part of the Interreg Project "Lebenswerter Alpenraum".

How did soy evolve from an organic novelty to one of 21st century's most important crops? Prof. Ernst Langthaler, Gabriel Tober, BSc MA, and Mag. Maximilian Martsch are involved in the Austrian Science Fund project "Soy and Agro-Food Transitions", conducting a multi-perspective study of local to global developments in today's mainstream agricultural crops based on transition theory, food regulatory analyses, and commodity studies.

Perfectly Adjustable Prostheses
Research at the university? But in academia, it’s all mostly about theory! True - until you put theory into practice. Physicist Robert Koeppe has now created his second JKU spin-off company, sendance, focusing on designing, among other things, well-fitting prostheses. During this interview, he talks about exactly how this works and why he chose to work at the LIT Open Innovation Center.

Professional Crystal Ball Gazers
On behalf of Greiner Technology & Innovation, opens an external URL in a new window, innovation managers Stefanie Painsith and Maria Molina are continually searching for new ideas, technologies and "solution-worthy" problems to test their suitability in addressing current and future business areas. In a way, they are professional "crystal ball gazers". Located at the LIT OIC, Greiner AG is a leading global supplier of plastics and foam solutions. The JKU spoke with Stefanie and Maria to learn more about what inspires them.

At the Interface of Research and Industry
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window is at the interface of research and industry in many different areas, including AI, IT security, and Industry 4.0. One current project focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) based systems designed to actively assist people in the workplace, especially in areas where a high degree of flexibility is needed. The LIT OIC offers SCCH opportunities to exchange ideas, develop creative ideas, and meet other residents from different "worlds".

Digitalization and Circular Economy
The CHASE Competence Center , opens an external URL in a new windowprovides the expertise needed to transition sustainable processes to industry. By bringing 14 research institutions and 20 companies together, they focus on making value chains significantly more sustainable and reducing overall energy consumption. Digitization and the circular economy go hand-in-hand to create new business models. In this interview, Patrick Pammer talks about why employees feel particularly comfortable at the LIT OIC.

Nine Institutes Under One Roof
Nine institutes are working at the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab, opens an external URL in a new window to ensure electronic systems are safe and working the way they are supposed to. Electronic systems (whether highly visible systems, such as smartphones, or less visible systems, such as vehicle brakes) are a prevalent aspect in our everyday lives. Security and safety are increasingly important issues and in this regard, the SCS Lab pools required expertise from a total of nine institutes located at the LIT OIC.

Psychology and Robotics
Research and business work side-by-side at the LIT Open Innovation Center, including Martina Mara and her team at the LIT Robopsychology Lab,, opens an external URL in a new window which focuses on a combination of psychology and robotics. We asked Martina what she appreciates most about this new form of collaboration, in addition to the good coffee.

At the Frontier of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Since its inception, RISC Software Ltd, opens an external URL in a new window has focused on the frontier of mathematics and computer sciences. In general, RISC's core areas include technology transfer through software. Wolfgang Freiseisen, the managing director at RISC, talks about an exciting project called "Medusa" in the field of medical technology.

Complex Solutions for Complex Machines
As production plants become increasingly complex, high-quality software is required in order to manufacture more intricate products. The LIT Cyber Physical Systems Lab, opens an external URL in a new window is one of the few research institutions that focuses on developing software for machines and systems. Alois Zoitl talks about why the LIT OIC is the perfect location to pursue his endeavors.

Re-Thinking Plastics
The LIT OIC is also home to one of EREMA, opens an external URL in a new window's recycling machines at the LIT Factory, opens an external URL in a new window . As part of many collaboration efforts, the company works together with plastics manufacturers, processors and recyclers around the world in order to integrate recycling into the value chain and complete plastic cycles. Managing director Markus Huber-Lindinger talks about why the connection to current research is particularly important.

Developments in the Circular Economy
Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window has been at the LIT OIC since the beginning and helped to create active connections to research, industry and education at the JKU. The partnership supports various developments, including a "Circular Economy" in order to efficiently use resources. Sven Wolf talks about what he particularly appreciates about the LIT OIC.

IOT, Apps and the Block Chain.
With 55 employees and headquartered in Linz, dataformers, opens an external URL in a new window creates and develops highly individualized software. Smart products and digital services are created for renowned industrial customers as well as selected start-up companies. Johannes Schacherl is responsible for all market-related activities at dataformers and talks to us about why the company moved to the LIT OIC.

Science Up Close and Personal
When it comes to our local businesses and companies, technology and innovation are a major location advantage, which is why the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer OÖ), opens an external URL in a new window is also represented at the Open Innovation Center. The lively - but especially practical exchange in an "open space area" - between academia/science and business is very important.

Award-Winning Spin-Off Company at the OIC
datavisyn GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window provides support to chemists, biologists, and geneticists in the field of drug development. By thinking outside of the box, datavisyn manages to process huge amounts of data to help users perform fluid, fast and interactive analyses. Dominic Girardi talks abuot how the LIT OIC supports developers and their work.