Two topics – 30 minutes.
Our LIT Breakfast Briefings not only provide a brief introduction into an emerging field of research and current cutting-edge research being conducted at the JKU, but also looks at the potential to apply key research developments to address real-world problems. Two topics – 30 minutes.
“Robot, behave! Modelling the behavior of automation software with domain-specific languages.”
DI Bianca Wiesmayr, BSc (LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab)
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are tailored to the needs of a particular domain and can be used to develop automation software for modern distributed systems. In our research, we develop guidelines on how to implement automation software with DSLs considering the system's behavior and usability aspects. We discuss the implementation of distributed GRAFCET models in the executable language IEC 61499 as concrete examples of such DSLs.
“Modern Analytical Approaches to Evaluate Cerebral Pharmacokinetics of Drugs.”
DI Dr. Armin Sebastian Guntner BSc (Institute of Analytical Chemistry)
Inducing a pharmaceutical effect in the human brain is challenging and dependent on various influencing factors. Thus, one key problem in this field is whether an active substance actually hits the intended target. Here modern analytical chemistry is in demand to answer related questions already in drug development or in the clinical application of approved medication.
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