The Idea
It is a paradox: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a daily hype topic in the media, but in representative surveys the majority of the Austrian population states that they hardly know anything about AI. This problem is particularly visible when it comes to women and the elderly. We think, however, the presence of AI should concern all of us!
Improving AI literacy among the general population is an important goal, since more people than before could have a say and help shape our future. As existing information formats fail to arrive in the daily life of less tech-savvy target groups, the LIT Robopsychology Lab team has been researching alternative ways of communicating knowledge about AI for several years. The participatory research project ‘How to Explain AI’ has resulted in, among other things, ‘A Liadl, ans üwa KI’ – a humorous AI explanation song in Upper Austrian dialect.
The approach of using music to provide information about AI has proven effective in our empirical research. Therefore we are expanding our repertoire by introducing two new and specific pieces about AI: A hip-hop song about the climate and environmental impact of AI and a series of "Gstanzl" songs about gender aspects in the field of AI.
- Project Period: 5/2024 - 12/2024
- Funding Organisation: Linz Institute of Technology (LIT), Land Oberösterreich
The Event
G’sungen, g’rappt & g’stanzlt: Was Sie schon immer über Künstliche Intelligenz wissen sollten
FR 6. SEPTEMBER 2024, 16:00 – 17:30
at Deep Space 8K, Ars Electronica Center Linz
As part of Ars Electronica Festival 2024, our 90-minute event introduces three pieces of music about AI, some as live world premieres. In collaboration with the singer-songwriter Blonder Engel, we already released "A Song, all about AI". Together with rappers Yasmo and Flip, a hiphop track about environmental impacts of AI is being produced. Moreover, we teamed up with Dominika Meindl on a series of Gstanzl (an old form of sung rants) about gender inequalities in AI. The music pieces are contextualized through expert talks. We are looking forward to an entertaining, humorous, and scientifically sound event.