Invitation to a practical dialog with Gernot Stürmer / Brouwerij Martens

Brands versus private labels - strategies in consumer change

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The team of the Institute of Commerce, Sales and Marketing (IHaM) of the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz cordially invites you to the third Praxisdialog in the winter semester 2024/25. The Praxisdialog sees itself as a bridge between theory and practice and is aimed at both students and practitioners. Our speakers provide insights into practice and offer the opportunity for critical discussion, highlighting the dynamics between established brands and private labels and highlighting their strengths, challenges and strategic approaches. Brands convince through quality and emotional loyalty, while private labels score with price-performance advantages and flexibility.

Current trends such as sustainability and digitalization are used to outline opportunities and future prospects, supplemented by examples and approaches for cooperation between the two players. The aim is to convey a better understanding of the mechanisms and developments in the field of tension in the consumer world.
Gernot Stürmer has been working in the FMCG industry for 20 years and has gained international sales and management experience both in the brand sector (including Mondelēz International) and in the private label sector.

Date: January 13, 2025
Hosted by: Associate Professor Dr. Katharina Hofer
JKU, BR 6 in the Unicenter, Start: 6:00 pm

The lecture and discussion series will be held in meeting room (BR) 6 in the Unicenter. (JKU campus map at:, opens an external URL in a new window)

We ask for your understanding that due to the limited number of participants, personal registration is required by January 9 at
The organizers of the lecture series are looking forward to exciting presentations and stimulating discussions.