Strategic management in practice: focus on growth strategies and implementation

[Translate to Englisch:] brotsüchtig

How does growth succeed in competitive markets and how does a strategy become more than just a plan? These questions were at the centre of the ‘Essentials of Strategic Management’ course at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Students of the Strategic Leadership major analysed the challenges and success factors of strategic leadership using two exciting practical examples: the global innovation leader Kärcher and the company Brotsüchtig, which focuses on regionality and quality.

Kärcher: transformation and global dynamics
Philipp Kluge, expert for production and supply chain management at Kärcher, provided exciting insights into the strategic and operational challenges of a globally active company.
Kärcher shows how clear structures, flexible processes and a strong commitment from employees enable the successful implementation of strategies.
In a dynamic, global environment, transformation becomes a key competence - an inspiring practical insight for our students.

Brotsüchtig: Regional identity meets strategic growth
The success story of Brotsüchtig, founded by career changers Stefan Faschinger and Oliver Raferzeder, is a prime example of innovative strength and entrepreneurial courage.
With high-quality products made from regional ingredients and the reinterpretation of traditional bread variations, brotsüchtig has established itself on the market in a short space of time.
Strategies for growth and innovation were discussed with the two managing directors, including market expansion, product innovation and business model transformation.

Strategy: more than just a plan
The course focussed not only on strategy formulation, but also on the often underestimated challenges of implementation.
Why do strategies fail? Is there a lack of clarity, communication or perseverance? The students learnt to analyse the interactions between strategy, structure and culture and to actively shape strategic changes - supported by system-oriented models and practical insights.

A big thank you to our partners Kärcher and Brotsüchtig for their inspiring contributions. This practice-orientated combination of theory and application makes studying at the JKU Linz a special experience - both for our students and for us lecturers.

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