How can knowledge be used in practice?

[Translate to Englisch:] Reisinger IK UHM 2024w

By applying it directly and incorporating it into real challenges.

This was precisely the aim of the IK Unternehmerisches Handeln.

After an intensive integration of the basic literature, supported by knowledge maps, our analyses focused on five regional business models:

- Frauscher Boats: Quality and innovation on the water.

- Gmundner Molkerei: Tradition meets regional value creation.

- Hänsel und Gretel: Sustainable fashion with style.

- Happy Foto: Customised photo products with heart.

- Konditorei Jindrak: Linzer Torte and more - a sweet success story.

After in-depth analyses, the next phase began: business model innovation, supported by selected tools from the design thinking toolbox. The focus here was on creative approaches, changing perspectives and innovative ideas.

The highlight: the students presented their findings and innovative concepts to representatives of the companies. The direct feedback from the practitioners was not only a valuable enrichment, but also showed how relevant the approaches presented are in practice.

A big thank you to the students for their commitment, their creative solutions and their enthusiasm, as well as to the company representatives Leo Jindrak, Johanna Frauscher and Marlene Hackl for their insights, their feedback and the valuable collaboration.

This is how we create a bridge between theory and practice at the Johannes Kepler University Linz - and promote entrepreneurial thinking that has an impact!

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