Christoph Mayr-Dorn Presented with a Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate
Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented the JKU researcher with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

JKU medSPACE Project Presented with the 2025 Inavation Award
As part of the “2 Universities - 1 Virtual 3D Lecture Hall” project, the JKU medSPACE project received the 2025 Inavation Award in the category…

A JKU Study Reveals 74 % of Teachers Support a School Cell Phone Ban
949 teachers responded to an Austrian-wide survey conducted by the öbv in partnership with the JKU's School of Education.

Why Re-Invent the Wheel? Why We Need Duplications
JKU researcher Georg Krammer is advocating for more duplications in journals.

Mirjam Augstein Presented with a Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate
Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented the computer scientist with her Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

The JKU Astros Clinch a Spot in the Play-Offs
During a very impressive game at the Kepler Hall on Friday, the JKU Astros went up against the WU Tigers of Vienna.

The JKU is Once Again Accredited as a Family-Friendly University
The 2025 certificate award ceremony took place in Vienna's Aula der Wissenschaften.

Retirement Ceremony to Honor Univ. Prof. Dr. Johann Bacher
Some 250 guests attended the ceremony, including many representatives in academia, science, research, government, and administration.

The Ignaz Semmelweis Institute Sets its Focus on Infectious Diseases
The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute opened its doors at the start of 2025.
JKU News Archive
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